Reese's Peanut Butter Cups top the list of preferred candies Florida residents want to nosh on this Halloween, followed by Skittles and Starburst, according to a new online study from

Reese's knocked Skittles from the top candy spot for Floridians in the 2021 analysis. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups also are the top candy in the United States, according to the analysis. is an online candy retailer specializing in bulk shipments.

In reaching its conclusions, reviewed 14 years of sales data with a focus on candy sales in the months prior to Halloween. The online retailer also reviewed sales data from chocolate and candy manufacturers as well as distributors.

Nationwide, the No. 2 and No. 3 preferred candies were Skittles and M&M's.

And while the Butterfinger candy bar didn't make the national or state list of preferred candies (what's up with that?), Hot Tamales came in No. 5 spot nationwide. Old-school choices such as Snickers, Tootsie Pops and candy corn came in Nos. 8, 9 and 10, respectively.

Halloween is Sunday.

Halloween activities can include everything from door-to-door trick-or-treating and attending Halloween parties, both of which involve costumes, to attending All Hallow's Eve church services that honor the dead.

Meanwhile, Halloween spending this year is expected to top $10 billion nationwide, a 26% increase from Halloween spending in 2020, according to the analysis.

The analysis (thank goodness) doesn't track Halloween weight gain or dental bills associated with scraping nougat from unforgiving molars.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky, meanwhile, told "Fox News Sunday" that people should enjoy the holiday, but warned they should steer clear of large groups due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and risks associated with large gatherings.

"I would say put on those costumes, stay outside and enjoy your trick-or-treating," Walensky said told the news show.

Her remarks echo those made earlier this month by Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious-disease expert. Fauci told CNN Oct. 10 that people could enjoy Halloween this year adding, "particularly if you're vaccinated, you can get out there. You're outdoors for the most part."