So someone in my neighborhood has started the annual push to reschedule Halloween! They are asking for everyone in the neighborhood to rally together and "do Halloween" and the children's trick-or-treating on Saturday night, Oct 30th, instead.

People, quit doing this! Halloween is ONE day only. It is October 31st. I don't care if it's Sunday and the children have school the next day and you have to go to work. There's a simple solution for that: start early and end early. That's it!!! So simple. Quit pushing a more complicated solution that burdens everyone else for YOUR issue!

If you are personally unable to attend to Halloween activities on the actual October 31st, then there are HUNDREDS of alternate activities you can attend on different days: The zoo hosts their ZooBoo event, there are several Trunk-or-Treat events scheduled all over town starting this weekend. Just Google it. And then you have all your alternate Halloween events to choose from that are NOT on Oct 31st.

But frankly, rescheduling Halloween for everyone shouldn't be an option if there is not a more universal issue that warrants it. For example, if there are forecasts for severe weather or if there's a massive power outage so all the lights go out, then I can be agreeable to a re-schedule because the issue affects everyone anyway. I'm not unreasonable.

And I don't mean to pick on Halloween specifically. I feel this way about ALL holidays. Especially the 4th of July. I'm the ornery neighbor that's upset about all the fireworks going off for WEEKS around July 4th. It should be ONE night only. That's it.

Whew. Ok, I really needed to get all that off my chest. I get so worked up by this request every year when it happens! What do you all think? Do I need to lighten-up?