Sun aspecting Saturn is a difficult placement for relationship between the native and their dominant parent. In my case its the mother that took the role of a father due to the circumstances of divorce. It indicates constant struggle and battles with the natives parent. Even childabuse could happen depending on the sign these planets are placed. The native is forced into becoming mature at a very young age. Often taking over duties which she/he should not be responsible for like for example taking care of their younger siblings as their own kids. The native will be of a serious nature especially when it comes to their work where they will show proof of determination and hard work. In their later years they may be respected by people for their achievements and personality.

Natives with this placement often feel unloved as children. Even their dominant parent could have a similar experience and does not know how to express their love for a child in a healthy manner. Sun opposite Saturn indicates that the native will develop his personality quite late until that time he may be under influence of his dominant parent. Often children with this placement feel like they live in a military camp with regulations and harsh punishments. Once the native develops a sense of freedom in later years and will be able to explore itself a new, the relationship with father will go through a turmoil to the point a period of estrangement may appear.

Futhermore, the axis together with the zodiac signs, planets and their dispositors placement where the aspects between Sun and Saturn is happening should be analysed as at the age of 33 the house(s) where Sun and Saturn are positioned will be activated and events symbolised by the house(s) will take place . For a better understanding of events even transit of planets should be checked for the 33rd birthday, even so called yearly horoscope (solar return / varsphal).

This placement is of karmic nature and indicates that the son and father had unfinished matters in their previous life.

To exemplify what kind of event may happen in the 33rd year of life I will use my own chart. I'm 27 currently which means whatever I predict at this moment may or may not happen. Astrology is a tool which is dependent on the skills of interpretation of the chart reader.

So what we see here is a birth chart (lagna) and a divisional chart (navamsha). My ascendant is in Leo. Opposite of it we have Saturn, Mercury and Mars in Aquarius. But we will only focus on the fact that Leo sign is opposite of Saturn and the ascendant lord is in 8th house. It pretty much tells the story from above. A lot of ups and down. In communication between me and my mother for the most part.

But the real thing is in my navamsha chart. Sun in 3rd house in Cancer sign aspects Saturn in 9th house in Capricorn sign. 3rd lord Moon is placed in 5th house in Virgo sign and lord of 5th house Mercury is placed in 7th house in the sign of Scorpio. From there the 7th lord Mars is placed in Aquarius which lord is Saturn. The aspect of 3rd and 9th house could indicate an event of overseas settlement ( long distance travel) in which matters regarding children's custody could appear as 5th house is about children and 7th house could indicate court.

It could also indicate taking a role of am educator on higher position such as principal. Because 3rd indicates contracts and communication, 9th higher learning and institutes, 5th knowledge and 7th business partnerships with 10th indicating government or masses with Aquarius sign in it.

Whatever will happen I will need to wait and see. Nevertheless stay with me 😉✌. More knowledge to share with you my loves 💛👩‍🏫

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