I'll be completely honest with y'all...I'm not a lover of cooking. I would much rather spend my time in the kitchen baking the day away. As much as I'd love to [sweet tooth here] my family and I can't live off cakes, pies, cookies and all the sweet stuff. For this reason I find myself falling back on a lot of basic meals. We really don't eat fancy around here, but for fun and for something different I thought I'd share what we ate this past week. Maybe it'll offer you some new ideas for your own weekly menu rotation!


On Sunday my husband picked up a bunch of bulk stuff at Sam's Club. He brought home 3 lbs of ground beef and I decided to use it up right away. I split it up into a meat loaf, chili, and hamburger BBQ. I really like doing this right away when my meat is fresh and then freezing what I don't think we'll get to that week. My husband is home right now due to a work injury. Because he is home we are definitely eating a lot more leftovers and hot meals for lunch so I kept most of it in the fridge for the week to eat between lunch and dinner and froze the rest. On Monday we ate the meatloaf I had made with buttered noodles and a veggie.


I also had a pound of turkey breasts in the fridge that I decided to use up. I don't usually cook a lot of turkey, but I decided to try something different than what I normally do. I'm calling it "Everything But The Bagel Turkey"

I started by mixing my gluten free bread crumbs and everything but the bagel seasoning in a large shallow baking dish. I melted some butter in a pan and then brushed the melted butter on my turkey breasts. Then I just put my turkey in the bread crumbs making sure that both sides were covered in the bread crumbs. I popped them in my air fryer on 400 degrees for about 20-25 minutes minutes. You could do this in your cast iron pan or in the oven, but the air fryer gets them super crispy! I served the turkey with air fried potatoes. I diced up my potatoes and drizzle olive oil on top. I sprinkle with salt, pepper, paprika, and onion powder and garlic powder. I put them in my air fryer, set it to 400 degrees for 18-22 minutes. I have an air fryer with trays, not a basket. If you would use a basket air fryer you'll need to shake halfway through.


I had some pieces of gluten free bread that I had been saving and wanted to use up so we had french toast and eggs for supper. For this I just cube up my bread into 1 inch pieces. Preheat my oven to 375 degrees and grease an 8x8 pan. In a bowl I combine a couple eggs, honestly I just eyeball it depending on the amount of bread I have [if you're using an entire loaf I'd go with 4-5 eggs.] I mix in a splash of vanilla, 3/4 of a cup of milk. Pour over your bread cubes. Make sure it's well covered and then sprinkle on a mixture of 1 tbsp of melted butter about a tbsp of sugar, 1/2 tsp of cinnamon. [Again you'll want to double this if your doing an entire loaf. I had about half a loaf.] Bake in the oven for about 45 minutes. Serve with maple syrup.


We ate the leftover chili I had made. We had already eaten a good bit of it for lunches.


We ate random leftovers.


I had a pork tenderloin that I had pulled out of the freezer during the week. I used it to make pork BBQ and homemade mac and cheese. For my pork I just pop it in my instapot on low [like a crock pot and use vegetable broth to cook it in]

My normal BBQ sauce recipe is honestly not the healthiest..though it is quite delicious, haha. This time I tried something a little different. I used this recipe HERE - I really liked it and will definitely be using it again.

For my mac and cheese I just cook my pasta and then add some butter, milk and American cheese until I like the consistency. I sprinkle on some gluten free bread crumbs and bake it in the oven until its a little bubbly and the bread crumbs start to brown up.

I also made an apple pie for a sweet treat to enjoy throughout the week. I included the recipe I use below.

So thankful y'all stopped by today! I hope you've enjoyed this post. Let me know if you'd like me to share more posts like this one!



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