The immorality, of this government, the double-standards of the government officials, and we're, still, letting these mother @#$%ERS, run our lives!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated...

The commander of the CDC, Chen would stand high up, and barked out all those orders aloud, told everybody to mask up, to NOT gather, to let loose, to maintain social distancing; but who would've guessed, that his night life was so, colorful.  From the recently leaked out footage, you see him, without the masks on, tilting his throat, singing his high tunes, and, in the music without the words, he'd, raised up his glass "drink it all up!", with the pretty ladies to the left, and the right, with the foods, emptied from the plates on the tables.  So, our major commander spend this sort of a life in fighting off the spread of the epidemic.

And, there's, an, alternative sort of a, "secret life" that the higher up offices lived.  The assistant in command of the tactics team of Department of Welfare & Sanitations, Wang was nicknamed "the salvation", but there's that news of his, seven-year-long extramarital affair, with a bastard child who's about to tested to see if he was his.  Between his busyness of work, he'd, spent time between the two families he'd established, playing that game of lies; in front of the public, he'd, put on that outfit of "a hero fighting off the spread of MERS-CoV", totally, not the least bit, contradictory.  This means of being, two-faced, not every one of us, ordinary citizens could, manage that's for sure.

But, in the era where we're doing away with the righteousness of values, everybody in the government puts on that false pretense that this has nothing to do with "power", that if it's unreasonable, we just, push through it.  Chen had, the preemptive strikes too, told that this is, "fake news", and threatened that he will, "sue".  Wait, it's against the law, if someone messed up on the dates, but, you not masking up, smoking indoors, drinking when you're not supposed to, and you're, righteous?  Are the laws of Taiwan, custom-made, for you only?

Chen loved going to the party, drinking, singing at karaoke bars, this is, a personal matter.  But, he'd set up all those rules, nailed us all down, but, stepped over the rules he'd made for the rest of us, ordinary citizens to, abide by; and once all of it went bust, he'd blamed it on the "conspiracy of Communist China".  So, let's ask, did the physicians who'd taken bribes, who'd fraudulently claimed the insurance pay-off, not broken the rules of conflict of interests?

We'd put up with the hard hitting outbreaks for two years now, and in the end, we see these, higher up government officials, breaking all the rules they'd made us abide by, how do we feel about it?

Because these rulers over us, live on a, different plane than us, ordinary citizens, and so, they're, able to, break the rules they'd made for the rest of us to follow, and, they're all, liars, setting that loosened down double standards for themselves, while, keeping us, ordinary citizens, tightened, on that, leash that they're all, walking us on.

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