A stricter punishment for, for the wrongful uses of someone's face in a photograph, mixed with the nude bodies here, to protect the rights of the people's privacy, and hopefully, deterring those, sexual predators, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The famed Youtuber, "Yu" used Deepfake to make the adult films, the female legislators, the female T.V. personnel, the actresses are all, victims, and, the communities, the public are heating up about having an amendment to prevent this behavior, the Justice Department added an amendment in the Obstruction of Secrets, and written the rule that stated that perpetrators can get from the highest the fake videos, the falsified footages is seven year term in prison, and the rough draft of this new amendment to protect citizens' privacy is sent to review in the executive department.

Last month, the Criminal Investigations found "Yu" the YouTuber, Chu had falsified the adult footages, and, used the current criminal punishment, of only TWO years, the perp, Chu was out on bail, this caused debates in the society, the justice department believed that a tougher punishment needed to be enforced, to keep the predators from breaking the laws repeatedly, and promised that an amendment of the currently existing law will be out within the month.

The Justice Department added, with the intent to spread out, using computer or other photoshop programs, to falsify the video, the photos, or sound recordings of another, is punishable by a five year sentence and under, the perp taken into police custody, or, the fines of under half a million dollars N.T.; spreading, playing, and/or transmitting of such materials for others to watch illegally, are also, punishable by this law too.

If a profit was made, the individual can get the prison term of no more than seven years, fined in the amount no more than $700,000N.T.; as the punishment become added, the district attorneys in catching the perps, can use the rights to arrest.

The justice department on the second called the judiciary discussion group to discuss, first, setting up the types of crimes, increasing the punishments, then considering the case of the "N Room" of Korea, and set up the punishment terms; based off of the sexual violence laws of Korea, the perps can get a seven-year-prison term max.

And so, this amendment is drafted, out of, necessity, as a lot of the sex crimes are now, online, you can switch out someone's face, with someone else's nude body easily, with a photoshop program, and spread it, and, it damages the individual's, reputation, and, before this law was signed into motion, there's nothing that the victim can do about it, besides, you can't prevent these footages, photos, from spreading like a wildfire, across the internet, and this law, that's newly drafted up, hopefully, it'll, deter those, predators, from acting out.

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