Dress codes, hair codes, the students are, crying aloud now, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

Awhile ago, there was the chairman of Chuangjing Technical High School in the weekly gathering of students, calling the students, "Sluts, fools, beggars", the Department of Education had promised that the school will give a debriefing on the matter within two months.  But the Taiwan Youth Democracy Association received the complaints from the students again, said, that a male student's bangs grew to under his eyebrows, and the homeroom instructor took a pair of scissors, and, clipped off his bangs in front of the whole class, if the ladies in the school refused to put the uniform skirts on, they were told to produce the gender identity formal diagnoses from a psychiatrist.

For this, the school claimed, that the students' accusations are partially false; the Hsinbei Department of Education stated, that it will keep on monitoring the matter, and give a limit of time for the school to change its ways, and the school will be on the watchlist for recipient of allocated fundings from the government too; the Department of Education stated, that they're setting up the specialist task squads, to make sure that the school is acting in accordance with the gender equality laws.

In 2005, the Department of Education had done away with the hair length requirements as early as 2005, at the start of this year, it'd sent the notices out to the schools, that the students are allowed to dress as they wished to, based off of their personal experiences of heat or cold, wearing the long-sleeve, or short-sleeve uniforms, and this law also applied to the private schools.

But, the Youth Foundation received the students from Chuang-Jing Technical High School, complained that the school had set many illegal rules for them, including, "the bangs of male students should NOT exceed brow lengths", "as the weather didn't turn cold, the students shall wear short-sleeve uniforms", "the female students who don't wear the skirts of their uniforms, the school demanded that they have a written psychiatric diagnosis of gender-identity disorder", etc., and there were the male students whose bangs grew to lower than their eyebrows, that the homeroom instructor took the scissors, and clipped it off in front of everyone in class.  Even though the students had filed multiple complaints to the Department of Education, but the Department of Education never even investigated the matters, just too the school's words over theirs.

what's proper, and what's, not

found online

The technical high school responded, that there's a dress code of the uniform, that they are allowed to switch their ways of wearing summertime or wintertime uniforms as they see fitting to them, that they'd not specified the seasons of change of uniforms, the students, if they have questions on the matter, can mention it to the dress code committee of the school for discussion; and toward all the students who'd broken the rules, the school had, gone by the means of Department of Education, and offered them the counsels, that the students accusations aren't completely in line with what's factual.

The Hsinbei Department of Education stated, that they'd found that the dress codes of the school did not fit to the rules, that it will continued looking in on the matter, and demanded the school make changes in the rules before the end of this semester.

And so, is this, a matter of displease of the students over dress codes, hair length limits, or, is it, a matter of, basic human rights?  These are underage minors, which means, that they legally, have, NO rights, and yet, the students complained, and the city government started getting hard on the schools, and that's, just not right, I mean, would you allow a student with a tattoo on her/his arms, to sit in your class, from K through 12?  Yeah, I wouldn't think so, there are, just some rules that are, unreasonable, and, these dress codes are set, for a reason here.

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