I had a whole day at home today, which is the first time in a while. I don't remember all the reasons, it doesn't matter. But it's been good.

Amy's pink geranium is finally blooming. Since I have space and south windows I'm wintering her three geraniums in the great room.

The great room in this house is becoming the best place to gather. We have a quilt in, at last. The electric trains have a place to run. And the couch is big and comfy. There's even a piano and a wood stove.

Last night Mom Ruth played the piano while we stood around singing ... All the parts, pretty loudly, to be honest. It's been a long time since we sang thusly together.

The thing about having ones parents coming for a visit is that all the chores, projects, mealtimes and living room sessions take on a treasurable dimension. Dad's eighty years old and still pulls on gloves and helps. He has opinions and wisdom, likes and dislikes, experience and stories to tell. His presence adds worth to our matters. Four generations working together on an ordinary chore makes me all puddly inside.

They had "tractor/plow day" while we were in Nebraska. The guys thought this rig was fun, so it turned up soil and stories of old times, too.

And this too. Jenny is artistic in her home decorating. I couldn't resist getting this picture of her kitchen shelf.

This last is the result of Amy and I playing around at water color, green jars, old boards, Mod Podge, and a string of lights. These endeavors could seem unimportant, but what they do for minding my own business and keeping our home, negates that notion.

What work is more important than making home for the ones we love. Everyone needs a place to call home at the end of the day, especially today. A place of quiet and peace away from the clamor and confusion. What's your favorite way of making that place real for your people?