Have you been anxiously waiting for the fourth installment of Susie Murphy's A Matter of Class series like I have? Well, today is your lucky day! This series has been one of my absolute favorite historical fiction reads. Romance, action, and such amazing detail that you'd think you bought a time machine instead of a book!

A Class Coveted is now available on Amazon! It's a great way to wrap up your Cyber Monday shopping (along with the other books in the series if you haven't already read them, available in a boxed set here). Keep an eye on my blog for the official review of A Class Coveted, coming soon!


Ashley O'Melia is an independent author and freelancer from Southern Illinois.  She holds her Bachelor's Degree in Creative Writing and English from Southern New Hampshire University.  Her books include The Wanderer's Guide to Dragon Keepingand The Graveside Detective.  Her short stories have been published in The Penmen Review, Siren's Call, and Subcutaneous.  Ashley's freelance work has spanned numerous genres for clients around the world.  You can find her on Facebook and Amazon.

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