Today was Sunday and it really went well. I completed reading "Start With Why" and also completed writing a blog about it. The last chapter of this book is damn amazing and could not be any better end for this book. Brilliant message in the end. I also completed writing "Best Lines" blog about it. It is immensely liberating book. A must read for all. If not entire book at least everyone should be reading the last chapter of this book. Immensely powerful end. Super amazing.

I also helped one of my friend in creating his WordPress website. Soon I will be sharing his work on my blog. Immensely talented guy and he is also going to do some changes in this website as well. He is going to make this website look even more beautiful. Hopefully by this Friday, his website will be ready and I am sure his site is going to be immensely beautiful and classy.

For tomorrow I am just going to schedule my "Best Lines" blog and then I will be planning for my day. And one more thing is that I started reading another book called "Enrichment Begins Within", I don't know if I could make Best Lines blog out of it or not, but it is going to be amazing book. This book is about success stories of people from different background and how they have achieved great things in life by learning things from "Rahul Bhatnagar". I have listen to his speech and I do have watched his videos, so I am looking forward to it.

So today's learning: "Sunday can be productive."

Have a Great Day

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