Day 20 of 30 Days of Thanks - I Remember a Special Car Drive.

Joy ...

Lighten up Moms! Take time to laugh with your children!

As grandparents we realize life goes much too quickly we finally understand how to relax that we enjoy life we learn to laugh at life itself.

I wanted to share this experience for all the millennial moms trying to balance careers, teaching children, husbands, home, just surviving the chaos of motherhood.

The other day I was driving through the vastness of AZ with my grandchildren. It was a wonderful afternoon, an enjoyable day, exploring the Artists Studio Tour talents and their creative wares, however, after a while our middle school children grew restless and bored.

We stopped to run an errand. While left in the car alone I put on a little of Young Living Essential Oils #Joy. The next hour was absolutely the hilarious. The children unbeknownst to them inhaled the joy I was wearing!

My grandchildren began doing silly things to make each other laugh. My daughter, as most serious moms do, found it more irritating than funny, being a middle school teacher I knew what was going on, they were bored!

The children were bouncing around the backseat gaffawing on our artist tour! Oh How I wanted to burst out in a full belly roll with them but, I kept all my grandma laughter inside as I did not want to get in trouble too 😂!!!

As I ponder the events I realized I had put joy on and no matter how hard they tried the children burst out in hilarious laughter a joy we three shared!

Moral of the story - Add a little Joy to your life and Moms learn to laugh and relax and enjoy the journey of your children growing up.

Life is too precious and going by too quickly to be so serious!

Lighten up moms! Take time to laugh with your children! Besides laughter is good medicine for your soul!

There is #AlwaysHope #NeverGiveUp #EnjoyTheJourney #30DaysOfThanks






2021 Oh my 2 years and 2 feet!