Day 29 of 30 Days of Thanks - 

YOU have Touched my Life!

Day 29 of 30 Days of Thanks - Someone who Touched Your Life! Jesus Christ Changed my Life! 

I have been so blessed by so many influential people in my life! Each person who walks into our lives leave footprints on our hearts. 

First my Grandmother and my parents! Their example directed me to become the woman I am today. 

I think back to my Art Teacher, Francis who encouraged me to pursue a degree in education, still I am teaching today! 

My Dearest Husband Patrick My precious Children and Grandchildren as I watch them grow I want to be strong for as many Years as God blesses us with. 

As a young mother, Nancy Brown and Tina Kayatin help guide my spiritual walk.  Penny Novak with her free and entrepreneurial Spirit bolstered me into starting  Healthy Living With Oily Blessings.  

Today, so many Friends have encouraged me along the way….. I cannot even begin to name YOU. If YOU are reading this YOU already know I am talking about YOU. 

Finally Mrs America, a young woman who coached me and encouraged me to stick with Digital Marketing and becoming a Hope Coach Brea Sharron Estep!