Day 7 Freedom of 30 Days of Thanks Freedom

I am so blessed to have the freedom to worship! We must not take it for granted. I have the Freedom to teach!

Apostle Paul says we are free from sin and death! Jesus Christ set us free! Because of HIS Death we have the HOPE of GLORY the Hope of Heaven! What do you feel enslaved by? FEAR? Fear of sickness or Death? What others think about You? Not being Good enough for heaven? Not being able to live up to the laws in the Bible?

We have been rescued by sin and death… WE have the freedom of Christ Jesus1

I have the freedom to share HOPE! Join me today at 9:45 for Bible Study at #ChestnutRidgeBaptistChurch or Worship at 11:00

Enjoy your Freedoms today! There is #AlwaysHope