After my thought yesterday, I received a reply from a high school friend.  She spoke of daydreaming. 

The definition of a daydream is a fantasy or series of pleasant thoughts you have when awake that helps you to escape from reality. 

I recall, when I was in grade school, you would get in trouble for daydreaming!!  Back then, it simply meant you were off in your own little world thinking about whatever was on your mind.  You were somewhere else with people you enjoyed being with, not learning long division or what a preposition was. 

My friend wondered if this generation even knows what daydreaming is? 

I wonder, too… 

So often these days, kids are overscheduled with so many different activities.  Going from one to the other, do they have enough "kid" time.  Some parents I know, are VERY mindful of not overscheduling their children.  Others are looking down the road at what the future holds and what is going to get their kid into the best college. Do they ever have the opportunity to drift off to a daydream? 

My friend also spoke of taking car trips.  Looking out the window and seeing the sights of what you were passing.  If you traveled with the windows down, you could let your hand and arm "take flight" on the wind.  If you were lucky enough to have a station wagon, perhaps you sat backwards in the way, way back!  It was always fun to wave to the people in the car behind you. 

These days, every kid has a cell phone or a tablet to keep them entertained.  Problem is, they hardly look up! I live in a college town and I am always surprised, and yet not surprised, at how many "kids" walk out into the street without checking for cars!!!!  

Life Rule #1---Look both ways before crossing the street!! 

My favorite place to daydream is swinging on my back porch on summer days.  Often my daydreams will slip into the making of my to-do list, but sometimes, I stay focused on the daydream! 

Perhaps, we could all benefit from some daydreams.  

Perhaps, we could all become Daydream Believers!! See what I did there!!  

Take a moment, dream about something. Christmas is coming are you dreaming of something special or are you dreaming of a White Christmas? See what I did there!! 

I hope you have a dreamy day!! 

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