by mang_a_art


"Hyungie, you look silly." Jimin's laughter tinkled from the living room couch where he had made himself comfortable with a blanket, and was nursing a cup of hot chocolate. The only 'food' I've been able to get him to eat. He was still mainly dependant on his feeding tube but I believed he was on the path to recovery. The fever had subsided and the coughing—although still causing minor earthquakes—was a lot less frequent than a week ago. 

"I don't care," I shouted back and continued to jump into rain puddles, which Rapmonster found particularly delightful as he was busy doing the same. 

I was currently 'taking him for a walk,' which entailed walking up and down the small side road where Joon lived. 

Although my self-isolation had officially ended, Jimin wasn't well enough yet to be left alone for longer periods. This also meant that I would have to cancel on Shop-dude. Darn. I really needed a drink.

We can meet at your place, Shop-dude replied a moment after I sent the message. Your brother is no longer contagious, right?

How should I know? I'm not a nurse.

Your girlfriend is one. You could ask her.

I stared at Shop-dude's response. Now there was an idea. I dialled Sookie's number.

"Yoongi, hi. Sorry, but I don't really have time to talk. I'm in the middle of a shift."

"Sorry, I won't bother you long. What are you doing this evening?"

"Oh," she immediately sounded happier, less stressed. "I wanted to visit my mum. She's well, but I just wanted to, you know, look after her. But I'd be free afterwards. So what do you wanna do to celebrate your freedom?"

"Umm… Do you know if Jimin is still contagious? He's still feeling poorly, so I don't want to leave him home by himself?"

"He shouldn't be. It's like with a common cold. You're most contagious in the early stages when the symptoms develop. However…" She trailed off and sighed. "You're still at your friend's house, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"He has a small backyard, doesn't he?"

"Well, technically it's his landlord's backyard, but Joon's using it."

"The weather doesn't look too bad today, I think," Sookie said, while I jumped into another rain puddle. "Maybe we can stay outdoors? Cuddle up under a blanket? Have something to drink."

"That plan sounds brilliant, but you haven't looked outside all day, have you? It's raining cats and dogs."

"The sun was shining this morning when I left for work," Sookie groaned.  

"Maybe it will clear up," I said, although I wasn't very positive. The whole sky was clothed in black clouds as if it prepared to attend a funeral. 

"Maybe," Sookie said. "Anyway, I could be there around eight?"

"Sounds good."

Sookie says he should be fine. But party in the backyard if poss. I texted Shop-dude back. 

Your girlfriend coming as well?

Yeah, problem?

Shop dude didn't answer for a long while, but three black dots kept dancing underneath my message, indicating a lengthy response. Or one that got deleted and rewritten multiple times. An ode to his girlfriend if I knew the guy. 

You're so lucky you get to see your GF like that every day. It's been months since I've seen my Becky last, and video calls just aren't the same. Every day I can't see her hurts a little more. 

I shrugged. I thought video calls were just fine. I could speak to Sookie without having to hear her complain about the fact that I hadn't showered in a week and smelled like the hospital garbage cans. Sure, we couldn't do any physical stuff that way, but that was difficult anyway with Jimin nosing around and wanting to know what we were up to at all times. 

As a matter of fact, dirty conversations in the toilet stall was as far as our relationship had developed. 

Maybe Shop-dude was in a different boat because he had had the kind of physical relationship I had lived without for too many years. I didn't even remember what it felt like to be touched by someone else than my own hand or a random stranger on too-crowded public transport. 

Keep wailing like that and I carry you to Germany myself. I texted back. 

That's cheaper than a flight, he wrote back. If you find a way to cross boarder let me know. Fucker


I grinned and hoped Sookie and him would get along. There is something I need to tell you though. I texted back. It's about my brother. I was about to hit sent when Rapmonster decided to smack into me and send my phone flying. He barked as if he was on crack and waggled his tail as if he planned on becoming a wind turbine in his next life. 

"Get down you stupid flea-bag!" 

But it wasn't me who the dog had been interested in. A very familiar car with very familiar red lights had just parked in front of the house, and out of it, still clad in his uniform, crawled Joon. 

"Fucking traitor," I greeted him. 

Joon shrugged. "I couldn't leave work, and you know it."

I sighed. "I hope you have the audacity to feel guilty at least."

"Very guilty. Guilty enough to bring pizza." Three boxes got pressed into my hands, and I wasn't the only one to think they smelled delicious. Rapmonster, the oversized beast managed to get hold of the top box, and dragged it into the nearest puddle, where he started munching on a slice of gorgonzola goodness. "That one is yours," I told Joon who stared at his dog dumbfounded. "Hey!"

"It's fine. Jimin doesn't eat anyway." I carried the two boxes inside where Jimin was jumping up and down the couch in excitement. Joon's Sesame Street pyjama pants—which were at least three sizes too large for him—were almost slipping down to his knees. "Joonie is back, Joonie is back. Did you kill bad guys? Can we open my suitcase now? I bet there is loads and loads of chocolate inside."

There was an odd sound coming from behind me. I turned and saw that Joon had paled by ten shades at least. 

"Everything okay?" I asked. 

But Joon didn't answer. He just stood there, biting his lip, then took a deep breath. 

"Joonie?" Jimin had got up and was running towards Joon to give him a big hug. My friend took a step backwards. 

"Is okay, I'm not a cone-stay-goat anymore."

"I'm glad to hear that you're no longer contagious," Joon said, but the smile on his face looked forced. 

"What's up?" 

Joon glared at me. "What the fuck man?"

"The fuck what?" I looked around the place, which looked tidy enough. I hadn't damaged any of Joon's trinkets, nor held crazy parties at the place. Granted, I had invited two people this evening, but this wasn't going to be a crazy orgy. 

"Jiminie, why don't you go and enjoy your pizza," with a saccharine smile on his face Joon pressed one of the boxes into Jimin's hands, obviously oblivious to the feeding tube my brother was carrying around. He then took me by my elbow, and before I could utter a single word of protest, dragged me into his bedroom. 

"You missed me that much, huh?"

Joon's eyes turned to daggers. "For fuck's sake. Why can't you respect someone else's personal space?"

"I fucking what? What are you on about?"

Joon pointed to his closet with the doors still dangling open. "You obviously didn't have any qualms going through my belongings."

"I only wanted to borrow a pair of pants for Jimin the other week. I don't see what the big deal is? In fact, I should be the one shouting at you and asking questions. What the fuck is Jimin's suitcase doing here, and how come you haven't told me about this?"

Joon's nostrils flared. "I forgot about it, okay. In case you didn't notice, my life has been fucking busy lately and this simply slipped my mind. But that doesn't give you the right to go through my fucking stuff." Whereas Joon was paler than toothpaste a moment ago, his face had now taken on the colour of a cooked lobster. Never in my life had I seen Joon this angry. 

"What the actual fuck, man? You've been at mine. You went through my wardrobe in search for clothes for my brother? How dare you make such a fuss."

"You had explicitly told me that I can open yours. Something, I had not offered you in turn." 

"Well, and you forgot to tell me that you found Jimin's suitcase, so why don't we just call it even?"

But apparently Joon didn't want to call things even, although I was clearly in the right. Jimin had a right to his stuff, didn't he? 

"I believe you mentioned your new crib is available from today."

"Technically from tomorrow. But I'm going to call HR and see if I can have access a day early."

I reached for my phone. What the fuck was wrong with Joon? First the accusations, and then Mr Talk-things-through couldn't kick me out of his house quickly enough? This dude had gone bonkers!

I dialled BigHit's number and waited to be connected. Every second I waited felt like an eternity. Meanwhile, Joon was tidying his closet, Jimin's suitcase lying on the bed like a pink elephant in the room. Both of us avoided looking at it. 

I walked back into the living room. Why we tried to keep this conversation behind locked doors, I didn't know. I'm sure Joon and I had shouted loud enough for Jimin to have heard every word. 

My brother had stopped jumping up and down the couch and was quietly sitting in the dog basket, next to Rapmonster, who was devouring his second pizza. 

Fuck, I didn't care whether Joon was shouting or upset with me. But Jimin looked utterly terrified. 

I retrieved my phone, and dialled HR's number. 


Joon hadn't offered to drive us, neither had I asked. Instead, I was carrying a feverish Jimin in my arms over to the next bus stop. 

My eye was throbbing where Joon had punched me, and if I hasn't been so upset, I'd have admired his sheer strength. Although my own kick to his knees hasn't been too shabby either. 

But in the end, there was no way I would have been able to defeat a guy with daily physical training in the police force. The suitcase had remained at Joon's place, unopened. And most likely locked back into his wardrobe.  

I didn't even check for the best bus connection, but instead boarded the first vehicle that came our way. Just to get away from here as quickly as I could. 

I wasn't even as angry at Joon as I probably should. I was too baffled to feel anything besides utter confusion. The behaviour hadn't seemed like Joon at all. Maybe he had a secret twin?

I bit my lip, wondering whether the discovery of the dead at the docks, and me not telling him that I had a biological brother had anything to do with this? Whether Joon made a fuss about this fucking suitcase and wardrobe situation, because I had kept a massive secret from him? Although it wasn't a fucking massive secret, was it? Yes, I had a biological brother, but it wasn't like I've ever really met that dude or knew who he was. And what did it matter that I was an adopted motherfucker when I never met my biological parents to begin with? They were simply two more people on this planet that wanted nothing to do with me. I didn't consider them to be worth talking about. 

"Motherloving son of a cucumber," I mumbled as I plonked Jimin on the seat next to me, then folded my arms and stared out of the window, watching the landscapes slowly pass by. I tried to look up directions on Maps, but my stupid phone decided that this was the perfect moment to die on me. So I guess getting to central station, then reading the bus plan was the best option I had. I just hoped there was enough cash in my pocket to pay the fares. I didn't have Jimin's exemption pass on me, so it would cost me two full tickets. My bank account was crying in crimson red.

"We go home now?" Jimin asked in a thick, feverish voice. 

"I guess so." The place would be home. Eventually. For now, it was a ride into nowhere. 

"Wanna stay Joonie's place," Jimin mumbled.

"I would have liked this too, but Joon decided to be a big, blustering baboon, who needs his arse kicked and plushy toys burned." 

"Not Mr Koya," Jimin's eyes widened. 

Koya was the old, battered stuffed Koala, Jimin had grown very fond of over the last weeks. Which was why the thing 'accidentally' found its way into my backpack. What was Joon going to do about it? Arrest me for the theft of a threadbare stuffy toy? I think I'd have more fun confessing my crime in front of a judge than Joon would have articulating his complaint. 

Without another word Jimin's head pummelled on my shoulder and soon snoring was heard from my left. Jimin had always been a loud snorer, but this illness really took it to the next level. People were looking our way, either utterly annoyed or laughing. 

"Excuse me," some middle-aged person asked. "Your friend isn't wearing a mask."

"Good observation skills," I nodded. "And if you sharpen them a little further, you may even notice the exemption sticker on his jacket."

The person huffed, but then left us alone. I hated people. Some day, I'll move to the middle of nowhere where I only have sheep as neighbours. Much more pleasant company. 

The bus approached central station, but I didn't have any success waking up my brother. With the nonexistent help of a grouchy bus driver and self-absorbed customers, I somehow managed to drag him from the vehicle all by myself. Now, I only needed to find a bus plan, the stop we needed to get to next, and hope that my credit card would approve the journey. 

I hauled Jimin onto my back, and whereas I was normally concerned about his lithe weight, I would currently welcome him dropping another stone in an instant. But then, he hadn't been the only one with questionable eating habits lately. My trousers sat much looser on my hips than I remembered them. But that was something to worry about at another time. Once I received my first payslip, Jimin and I would dine like kings. Well, if there was a next payslip… I was still concerned about the size of the deductions I was going to face this month. 

But not now. Not yet. For now, my only worry was being able to pay the bus fare. I checked the timetable. Checked again. Then, I queued up at the customer service desk. 

"Is something wrong with your friend?" The person asked, eyeing Jimin who was still slumped over my shoulder. 

"He's good, only sleeping. I need to find a bus to this place, Magnate Gardens." 

"Magnate Gardens,… never heard of it," the agent typed something into her computer with too long and too pink fingernails. "I'm afraid there is no direct bus."

"That's okay. Where will we have to change?"

"You take line seven to General Hospital, from there, line thirteen to City Library, and from there, you'll have to walk to Zoo station. It's about a five minutes walk…." She eyed Jimin, "maybe ten-fifteen minutes for you guys. From there, you catch 1310 to the airport, and then 666 to Magnate Gardens."

Six-six-six, yeah… I officially had found my way to hell. "Thanks," I nodded. "Can I buy my ticket with you?" I bit my lip, then nodded at my brother. "He actually has an exemption pass, but I don't have it on me. Is there a way I can, I don't know… get him a ticket at half price or something?"

The customer service person looked at Jimin, who was only wearing one shoe, stripy, mismatched socks, and was still snoring as if he wanted to put all electric saws in the country out of business. "I guess so," she said, then reduced one of the tickets to a child's fare. Nevertheless, my card declined the transaction. 


"The hospital is just up the hill," Pink Claws advised. 

"I know. I know the place better than I always wanted to."

"If you think you can walk there, this would reduce the ticket price by six-thousand won."

I really didn't want to have to drag Jimin uphill. Being broke sucked. "Okay, let's try that."

My card still declined. 

"You don't have any cash on you, do you?"

"Not a single penny."

Pink Claws typed some more. "If I take out line 666, it's only a total of fourteen-thousand to get from the hospital to the airport. Shall we try that?"

"How long is the walk from the airport to Magnate Gardens going to take?"

Pink Claws shrugged. "No idea."

"Well, let's do that. I don't seem to have any other options."

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