You may know Holley Gerth as the author of inspiring devotional books and co-host of the popular podcast, Not Just Small Talk, but today we are talking about a book I'm very excited about because I love some wonderful introverts! Holley's book, The Powerful Purpose of Introverts-Why the World Needs You to be You can change your life, introvert or not. I told her I was a raging Extrovert and she smiled benignly and continued to encourged me to be exactly who God made me to be.

So refreshing! Trying to be someone you're not can be so lonely and exhausting. Six years ago, Holley faced burnout and began researching what it meant to be an introvert and how God made us a certain way for His pleasure and purpose. She writes this as a gift to help introverts thrive in a culture that celebrates the extrovert until they take the time to appreciate all that an introvert brings to the table. You will love this interview. Thanks, Holley!

Leave a message in comments to be entered to win your own copy.

Since the time of this recording, Holley's latest devotional is out. You can also win a free copy by commenting here or on instagram

About Holley:

The Short Version: I like humans, words, and good coffee.

The Longer Version: My grandparents owned a little Christian bookstore in Texas. I had a good childhood, bad bangs, and spent a lot of time reading in trees.

I grew up to be a Wall Street Journal bestselling author, life coach, and podcaster with a Masters of Science Degree in counseling. I've spent the last decade empowering about half a million people to realize more of their God-given potential through books like You're Already Amazing, Fiercehearted, and The Powerful Purpose of Introverts.

I know what it's like to fight anxiety and depression, perfectionism and insecurity, doubt and burnout. I also know what it's like to become a kick-butt overcomer who refuses to let any of those things win, who finally discovered how to be comfortable and free in her own imperfect introvert skin.



Introverts can be best at hospitality. They know how to notice others and they listen with their hearts.

Now is the time to begin opening your doors. This will help: 






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