Alexis sat at her vanity, braiding her thick hair for the night. Brian was away on another business trip, but Alexis found it more challenging to even trust that. A couple months had passed since she saw the text messages from Lindsey. He was trying to make it up to her by helping around the house and being more affectionate. He called her each night when he was away and texted her throughout the day. I mean, he was trying. Alexis tried to get back to that happy place, but there was still a wound in her heart. It would need more than kind words and gifts. Brian just didn't understand that. Alexis was sure he felt forgiven because he stopped putting in so much effort after the first month.

Alexis plucked at a loose string on the sleeve of her sweater as she listened to yet again another self-help podcast. She was struggling with forgiving herself. Alexis was always one who swore that one infidelity was all it took for her to leave a relationship. It had been her motto when she was dating and kept her from being hurt multiple times by someone. Now Alexis felt as if she had to relearn herself. Was she now a woman who could easily forgive unfaithfulness? She tried to justify her staying with lack of information. She did not know for sure that he had slept with her. She could not leave on just suspicions alone. No, Alexis needed cold hard facts.

She turned off the podcast and unlocked her phone. Alexis did not want to spend another night moping about in her apartment. She researched local events and their start times. It was late morning, and Alexis did not have a job, so there was not much to do. Brian convinced her that he made enough for the two of them, so she did not need to worry about working. Times like this made Alexis wish she did have a job or something to take her mind off of things.


Alexis stepped out of her car, shivering against the cold Autumn air. She wore a velvety sweater dress the color of lavender, as her curls spilled over her shoulders. Alexis had made the conscious effort to put on makeup, even though she was just going to a coffee shop for open mic night. Alexis felt good.

Alexis chose a seat at a small table for two in the corner of the room. She laughed, clapped, snapped, and sang along when appropriate. She enjoyed her time, eating a late dinner and sipping tea when a handsome stranger approached her. "Hello," he smiled with pearly whites. The man was tall, dark, and beautiful, every girl's fantasy.

Alexis smiled reflexively as she continued to chew her food. The man introduced himself as Alexander and laughed when she told him her name. Before Alexis could protest, he sat down in the seat across from her. They chatted, of course, Alexis being the social butterfly she was. They talked about the performances, interests, hobbies, you name it. Alexander was an excellent conversationalist with a talent for listening. Alexis was, in fact, wearing her wedding ring, and Alexander had seen it several times as she moved her hands. Yet, he said nothing about it. Alexis found herself appreciative about that. She did not want to explain why she was here alone, that her husband was gone for the second time in the four months they've been married or that he possibly cheated on her. No, Alexis liked Alexander's attention because she knew it was based on attraction. Alexander was not Brian, so it must be genuine. Otherwise, he would not have bothered coming over to her. This conversation with this curly-haired man made her feel like she still had it.

Alexis stared into his light brown eyes as he spoke. Alexander had a faint accent, like he was born in the south. A small gap between his two front teeth and thick eyebrows. He was a few years older than her, but he didn't show it aside from the peppered grays.

Alexis paused. Was this how it was for Brian? Was he so unhappy that he found himself being sucked in by the company of another woman? Was his conversation with Lindsey innocent until his mind began to wander as Alexis's did now?

"Are you alright?" Alexander asked.

"It's getting late. I should be getting home." Alexis stood. Alexander stood quickly and helped her with her coat.

"Okay. It's kind of dark out, so I'll walk you to your car. If that's alright," He added after a second. Alexis nodded and picked up her purse.

They walked through the parking lot and stopped in front of her car.

"I hope I am not inappropriate here, but I would like to see you again," Alexander said as Alexis opened her door. She stood there staring at this handsome stranger who had kept her company for the past few hours.

"Alexander, I don't know if you've noticed, but," Alexis held up her left hand and gave him a sad smile.

"I did. I noticed. He's a lucky man," he replied with the same sad smile. "Well, if you are interested in having me as a friend, I am here every day."

"I can do, friends," Alexis smiled, "Goodnight, Alexander."

"Goodnight, Alexis," Alexander replied before running back toward the shop and out of the cold.

Alexis sat in the car as she waited for it to warm up. Her heart was whirring like the sound of the heat through the vents. She smiled despite herself, but it quickly faded. Alexis sat back in her seat and sighed. Alexander had wanted to be friends. Alexis didn't have many of those, but she began to think about not coming back.

She couldn't be friends with someone she liked so much already. Then her thoughts went to Brian. He must have had an opportunity to turn back before he got to that point with Lindsey, yet he hadn't. And if Alexis was being truly honest with herself, she wanted to do to him what he had done to her. She wanted him to feel the pain and heartbreak that he made her feel. Alexis swallowed a guilty lump in her throat and drove home. You can't fight fire with fire.

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