Brian was still gone. It had been two days since the argument and he had not so much as called her. For all Alexis knew he was dead on the side of the road, but Alexis knew he was fine. She even knew where he was.

Alexis, unfortunately, did not know Lindsey's address. So she could not go there and drag Brian out by the collar of his shirt.

Alexis sighed deeply. She had to try to relax. All of this stress was not good for the baby.

She took a shower and washed her hair. She put on every face mask she could find. Once she was clean and her skin felt like silk, she sat down in her chair. Time was slipping quickly into the third day.

Alexis dialed Brian's number one more time. It went straight to voice-mail.

Alexis tossed her phone on the bed and got dressed.

She walked into Cafe de Rei and sat down where she did last time. On stage a man wearing a vest and a fedora was playing a song on his saxophone. Alexis closed her eyes and swayed to the music as she tried to clear her mind.

"I thought I'd never see you again."

Alexis opened her eyes and smiled. Alexander stood in front of her wearing all black and a big smile.

"This place is what I want to be; relaxed," Alexis replied.

"Everything okay?" He asked concerned.

"Everything perfect," Alexis said sarcastically.

"Hold on," Alexander said before walking away. He returned with two steaming mugs of tea. The tags swung in the air as he sat them down on the table. "Is lemon ginger okay?"

"My favorite," Alexis smiled, taking the cup gratefully. Alexander smirked as he sipped his own tea. He coughed and spit the tea out, clearly burning the roof of his mouth. "Smooth."

"At least it made you smile," he sat his cup down in front of him, "so what's wrong?"

Alexis told him everything. She started with how his mother would disrespect her to the latest argument and his recent disappearance. Alexander listened carefully as he nodded his head and raised his eyebrows at the appropriate time.

"First, let me say congratulations on the baby. Second, it sounds like you two need to sit down and have a heart to heart, with a mediator if possible."

"I've tried talking to him but he either ignores me or blames me. I feel like I'm going crazy and he doesn't care," Alexis replied, choking up. Alexander handed her a tissue. "He doesn't even try to hide the fact that he's cheating."

"There is never an excuse for cheating. However, you are the one that needs to make a decision, not him. You can decide to stay or go but if you stay you have to demand change otherwise you will continue to be miserable. At that point you'll have no one to blame but yourself."

Alexis nodded as she wiped her eyes and sipped her tea. A waiter came by and sat a plate of cookies on their table.

"You're right," Alexis admitted as she picked one up, "but how do I go about it? Talking to him clearly doesn't work."

"Then sit him down and make him listen. Give him an excuse ultimatum if you have to. But don't just sit there and let him treat you like crap." Alexander's voice raised a bit before he realized and stopped. "I'm sorry"

"No, you're right. Thanks for listening. I'm sorry for keeping you from work."

Alexander waved his hand dismissively, "they're alright without me. This place practically runs itself." He scooted in a bit closer and looked into her eyes. "Seriously consider what I said and make a decision. There is no reason to continue to be happy."

"You sound like you're speak from experience," Alexis commented.

"I was in a similar situation and chose to leave. It's not easy to leave but sometimes you have to."

Alexis nodded in agreement. She did not know what she should do but she needed things to change before they got worse. Especially if they would have a little one on the way.

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