A few things to share tonight...Last night CBS aired a special One Last Time: An Evening with Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga. It was wonderful, granted the first half was all Gaga, but when Mr. Bennett took the stage and performed, solo and with Lady Gaga, it was pure magic! Knowing this was Mr. Bennett's last performance, I got a bit emotional as he sang.  His voice is still strong and pure.  When he sang "I Left My Heart in San Francisco," I'm not gonna lie, there were a few tears streaming down my face. They did a close up shot of him smiling as he was performing and it reflected PURE JOY!! I'm getting misty just thinking about it!

I am currently watching "Brave." Merida is my FAVORITE Disney princess!!  I love her hair! I love her spirit! I love her independence! I love that she knows her own mind and speaks it! "Our fate lies within us; we only have to be BRAVE enough to see it!"

Lastly, more magic moments at the train station...Looking out the window, I saw two huskies with their heads hanging out the car window while their human drove them down Beaufort! There was a blind gentleman that needed some assistance navigating the station. I approached him, asked him to take my elbow and guided him where he wanted to go. 

There is so much happening around us, if we only take the time to notice!
"You notice. And noticing, you live. -John Graves

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