OOoooh yall...the kids went back to daycare today. It was bittersweet for me and just pure joy for the kids.

I had been wanting, no needing, them to go back for a while. I just still couldn't get myself to do it because of COVID. After talking with the daycare staff and finding out they only had 1 case in early August (right after I took them out) and none since then, I felt better about it. Plus, this kids were just absolutely craving other child interactions.

And I was craving the ability to actually be a great mom and good employee not at the same time.

I love being there for my kids and playing with them, but man, when you have to do it in between conference calls and emails, it's more of a task than enjoyment. And I'll admit that, even if you don't want to; it's ok!

It's definitely been a daily, sometimes hourly, struggle of just getting through the work week with kids. As much as I hate to see them go, it's been a heck of a lot easier day for me. And from the pictures and videos I've stalked of them at daycare, they're having way more fun time than I could have created for them today.

Sidenote: the cost of daycare went up, and I'm nooooot that happy about it. Anyone else experiencing this??

*sigh* It's about time for me to wrap up home stuff and go pick them up! & Yes, I'm excited! I'll keep praying they stay safe and healthy while in daycare and hope for the best.