As I drove into work this morning, the sun was accentuating the old barn that is across the road in a field. Its an absolutely beautiful area, as a photographers eye and the sun was beginning to rise behind the barn. It was an incredible image. I paused and took a moment to pull over and capture the beauty, before carrying on with my day.

I feel a shift. Its becoming stronger. More and more people around us are feeling the energy shift as well. Its incredible. There is so much more light on the earth, and as we know the more light we shine... the darkness truly has no place to hide.

Its time to get REALLY comfortable with baring your soul - not to the world - to YOURSELF! Feel what you need to feel, dig deep and reach for that potential you may have long pushed down and away. Its there, its waiting, its ready to re-ignite...

Do you feel it!

The grand rising!