You tell me I'm beautiful and I absorb the compliments. They likely are part of what help me to walk taller some days. Your greeting alone brightens me up. Some of my friends have mentioned that I look happier; my mom says the best thing you give me is a smile. So in some way, its you that makes me this level of beautiful.

I once questioned what you found beautiful, and after spending time with you I've learned. Your greeting reaches beyond the surface for me. I know that I am "beautiful" to you in more than just the way I look, my projected image. You see me.

Most don't see beyond the surface and as we all know, beauty fades. Sometimes it's a shift in perception that causes us to see something we once regarded as beautiful. Twenty years ago, I was told that my beauty ran through me and having a beautiful soul made me more beautiful than others. He also told me we would grow old together so maybe it was all a line. Because it was fed to me so young, that's what I want ... someone who sees me beyond the exterior and pines to know more of who I am. I've always been a fan of fairytales though.... Let's hope it is not my demise.

Maybe it's the perception you have of me that you find beautiful. One thing I know is there is beauty all around us, but I'm curious to know what is beyond that initial trigger of beauty; and will that perception expand or fade?

The sunrise at its most beautiful is more than just vibrant colors in the sky. It is a welcome to the day and a promise of daylight. The sunshine penetrates ones body and provides vitamin D and warmth. Then there's the air you'd breathe being outside and in it. Those who chose to view it through glass won't get the full saturation of the sun nor the touch of the breeze and scent carried within the air. We have senses that are stimulated through the beautiful things of this earth and we sometimes chose to ignore them or limit our use.

Why not use all your senses; see it, feel it, smell it, hear it and taste it if you can. That's my word this year... perception. Using my senses to guide my perception and learning to shift my perception as well as see the perception of others. So for me, that means I get the opportunity to see the beauty in everything. You are all beautiful beyond your exterior.