Despite some of the things that have happened to me this year, I am going to move forward, and one way is to do more homemaking content. I am doing more homemaking blogs and homemaking videos. I love it too much to let my life get me down. Nothing feels better than me tying a cute apron on and going through the house cooking and cleaning. It makes me feel useful and loved. Let's get on with the article. God bless.

I love being a homemaker, especially during the holidays. There is something about the holidays that brings out Donna Reed in me. I think it is seeing kids run happily through the snow. Mom in the kitchen baking Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, and dad figuring out how to put work the newest gadget with the help from mom that is. Your family may differ, so I acknowledge that, but anyhoo, back to what makes me happy about the holidays.

All the memories I had with mom cooking dinner and dad giddy like a little kid, waking everyone up to open presents, or pulling thanksgiving dinner out. My father's last gift to me was an electric guitar. He hid it from me, and when I opened it, he smiled and cried. I wonder if he knew it would be our last Christmas together? Mom loved Christmas, but not like Dad. He was like a kid at Christmas time, and his enthusiasm alone got me excited. I want to carry that over to my family now. I want to share my enthusiasm with them the same way my father did with us.

Thinking of all these memories is what makes homemaking during the holidays so fun. All he decorating, all the snow and all the bellies to fill! It brings back so many memories. I love getting into the holiday spirit and making people happy. I know some bad things have happened to me, but I am not going to let those things get me down. I am going to put on my cute dresses, pearls, heels and tie an apron on and go to town homemaking. Homemaking the best holidays my family and I have had in years! I hope you all do the same for your families. Enjoy!

Tie your apron on homemakers!
This vintage housewife is happy homemaking this year!

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