The holidays - the BIG ones, are fast approaching Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years.
For some, this is the time of year that brings joy and togetherness, for others, it is a time of sadness and loneliness. Some family gatherings can be "painful," something we "have" to do.  People clash, feelings are hurt, old wounds are re-opened. For some people, the most wonderful time of the year is actually the worst.

We, Larry and I, celebrate these holidays, mostly on our own.  We plan what to eat and we spend the time at home together watching movies or a few minutes of a football game or if I have the remotes...CHRISTMAS SHOWS!!

I like this time of year.  The weather is cooler, the trees are usually beautiful and we are getting closer to Christmas!!

44 Sleeps to be exact!!

After Christmas as we approach the New Year.  I am always a little excited for what the New Year will bring.  

I assume, because of the Rose-colored glasses I wear, everything little thing is gonna be alright.

I try not to worry about things I can't control.  I keep a positive attitude and I try, sometimes unsuccessfully, to be quiet in my mind and peaceful in my soul.

This holiday season, please understand that everyone celebrates or doesn't celebrate in their own way.  

Be mindful of others. Be kind. Be generous.  

Be the kind of human you would like to encounter everyday - not just at the holidays!
Have a lovely day.

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