I saw a post recently that said something along the lines of: stop paying for classes that claim to have the answer to help you find your purpose. You will find it on your own through experiences and being mindful and intentional about everything you do.

Wow, that hit me like a load of bricks. Not because it was a tough gut-check to hear, but because of the raw truth behind it. The truth that I came to realize recently as well.

There is no one secret that will help you find your purpose. Everyone is different. But there are moments throughout your life that give insight into what your purpose might be. Here's how I learned to recognize those moments and started seeing my life more clearly.

I found my purpose, well… what I know right now to be my purpose, because I started a blog many years ago. It was a failed blog. That blog most definitely was not my purpose. It was based around a topic I enjoyed, but it wasn't what I was meant to write about. It wasn't about the things that cause the light within me to shine bright, but it was the start of something bigger. When I started that blog, I worked my butt off learning the in's and out's of blogging, bought the domain, set up my site, took the workshops, figured out how to monetize the site (before I had anything to sell, because #goals). Through what I initially thought was my passion, I built a solid foundation to grow through. Once I did actually figure "it" out, I was ready to hit the ground running.

This time, I didn't need to waste time figuring out all the logistics. I already knew what I was doing, and that's how I knew I'd found my purpose. It all just flowed together perfectly. No questions, no doubts, just clarity. All those things I'd worked so hard on before, and felt like a failure at, were really just leading me to where I was meant to be today. Just like the setbacks and failures I have today are setting me up for something else unknown in the future. It's a never-ending cycle.

To be clear, though, by no means am I done searching for my purpose. I've only barely scratched the surface, and only just begun to align my life with what I know deep down is where I'm meant to be. I am so grateful for that failed blog. I am so grateful to past Beth for working hard and pushing towards something that didn't feel quite right at the time, but felt it was worth something in the long run.

There is no one secret that will help you find your purpose. Everyone is different. But there are moments throughout your life that give insight into what your purpose might be. Here's how I learned to recognize those moments and started seeing my life more clearly.

So don't put pressure on yourself to find your purpose before you're ready. It will find you through subtle ways you're living your life. The fact that you want to find "it" is the first step in opening yourself up to the possibilities. Start by acknowledging how you've live your life so far, and acknowledge the moments that stand out as something you've enjoyed, or something you've wanted. Those could be the very first signs of your true path dimly showing its light. But, truthfully, only time will tell.

Be patient. Stop searching, and start living.

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future".

Steve Jobs