How social networks became, a new source of, anxiety for these, members of the, younger generations, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

As the outbreaks slowed down, this semester, many school had started holding the classroom sessions, but the masks are still, a needed tool to prevent the spread of the virus across the school campuses.  Now, it'd been two months since the start of the school year, the masks had, blocked off the saliva, and it'd also, blocked off the interactions of children with their own, peers, some of the first year students hadn't even seen their classmates' faces, and can only "show their faces" on social media.  But, the children are even more worried over how they are looked upon on social media, and this became, a brand new source of their, anxiety, to even making them the victims of cyberbullying.

The outbreaks not only caused the graduation trips to get canceled, the graduation ceremonies, the first day of school all happened via webcam, that "sense of ritual", gone, and a lot of the students sighed "there's no beginning, or an end!"

With the slowing down of the epidemic here, the schools from all around the country started the physical classroom sessions.  But, entering into a brand new semester, in the past, to get to know the classroom classmates, there would be the name tags on the desks, and, by a week at most, everybody knew everybody, and now, all the students' faces are covered with the masks, and, even though at meal time, they're allowed to take their masks off, they had to eat with the plastic separators between one another, and, a lot of the students just, left their names on their desks, and even now, the students couldn't call one another by each other's right names, to the point of the teachers, miscalling the names of the students too.

A middle school principal told, that there's no first-year student orientation this year, that there's no morning school gatherings this semester, the students are "slower to warm up", and, even as the instructors told the jokes, because they can't see the facial expressions, the students normally, don't react, and there's, just, not enough of that warmth of exchanges that we used to get with each other.

like this??? from online


And even though, almost all the students had a cell phone each, and the internet broke the barriers of interactions, a lot of the students, before school started, got together on the social media, to meet up as school resumed.  But, the therapist, Tseng told, that the children become, ever the more anxious on if they're noticed on social media now, and this new trend may become a new source of their, anxieties, affecting the children's level of self-confidence.

The Children's Welfare League did a survey and found, that due to the outbreaks, the children and adolescents log online for an average of 42.7 hours per week, almost doubled from last year's 27.2 hour.  But, more than twenty-percent of children and adolescent believed, that they'd been cyberbullied, with the primary way of bullying being "getting named by someone or attacked by someone for no reasons at all", and there were only, twenty-two percent who would tell the adults, there are at least, twelve-percent that wouldn't find help from anyone.  The Department of Education listed cyberbullying as a form of bullying in school last year.

Pai, the C.E.O. of Child Welfare League advised students on three things, she'd said, admit and accept, that you just can't get along with everybody; and, you can use the app or the cell phone systems, to keep track of your own personal usage means of social media, to control the time spent; if you encountered something that's negative that's affecting you, then, you need to learn to view yourselves, using an unjudgmental way, to calm yourselves down, so you can, deal with the many challenges that life may bring.

Yeah, that, is another, downside to this outbreak, because everything is online, and, there will be, more cases of cyberbullying too, and, cyberbullying is really hard to prevent, because, you don't know what you may have said, or posted online, that might get misinterpreted by another.

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