Today was busy. One child had an orthodontic appointment and the other had an optometrist appointment. I used the time to sew my granddaughter's Christmas gifts my daughter requested. The project was simple. Puppets... My daughter is planning to make my granddaughter a puppet theatre. As my first set f children were growing up, I always made the Santa presents homemade. My little cherubs always loved the Santa gifts. Often, I made them from a kit or stitched up doll clothes. One year, I stitched up cloth sacks with Santa land postmarks. It was my first steps in my zero waste journey.

I long for simplicity in our lives as the politics, society's issues, and Covid continue to wreck havoc with our sense of normal. I enjoy taking bits of waiting time to sew, plan the fall planting, plotting the spring gardens, and planning the kitchen remodel.

I have been making jewelry for gifts. It is lovely to be prepared.

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