I dreamed I was sitting on the ground at the foot of a beautiful building. A tall man that appeared ancient and powerful to me was standing on the top step and was teaching. He was talking about becoming a new person, letting go of the old self and growing as a new being in Christ. He looked at me and said E424. I looked at him and shook my head because my tounge was tied and I could not utter a word. I was silenced by him and was sitting there just listening. He turned and walked away into this huge and shiny building and was gone. I stood up, looked around and began to walk away from the building. I was thinking about who he was and what he had to say to me.

I had been praying a lot lately about growing in spirit and becoming one with God and his will in my life. I have been given a gift from a near death experience I had in September if 2020. This changed me and began the process of spiritual growth and being able to connect with the spirit world, my guardians, Angels and God at a higher level. As I walked away I woke up and wrote the vision down. I later examined the word I was given and instantly knew that E424 was Ephisians 4, verse 24. That particular Bible chapter has been shown to me on more than one occasion. The word says "24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness".

That ties directly to my prayer and need to grow in spirit so I can be a light worker and help people grow their spirit and connection with God. Ephisians 4, verse 8 says ""When he ascended on high, he took many captives and gave gifts to his people." This is exactly what he did for me and this chapter is in reference to being one with Christ through the spirit. Please go and read this chapter in the Bible and see how it can change the way you think. I thank God for giving me his word and showing me how to change my spirit and become closer to him everyday.

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