Once viewed as a long shot in his bid for the congressional seat opening in Orange County, Democratic activist Maxwell Alejandro Frost is getting some national press — at least within the youth market.

Frost, 24, is running for Florida's 10th Congressional District, being vacated by Democratic U.S. Rep. Val Demings. Initially, the crowded field of Democrats vying for the Democratic stronghold looked topped by three or four others, until Frost pulled off the best fundraising effort of the bunch during the third quarter reporting period last month.

Now Teen Vogue, a magazine generally focused on fashion, beauty, and culture for teens, is spotlighting Frost as one of seven candidates nationwide to watch in the 2022 elections. In a piece posted on the magazine's website Monday headlined, "2022 Midterms: Charles Booker and Other Candidates to Watch," Teen Vogue says it picked them for being "some of the most exciting candidates running for local, state, and federal office."

With a photograph of Frost using his trademark megaphone at a rally, the article notes, "Frost counts ending gun violence, Medicare for All, and environmental justice among his top priorities, per his campaign site. If elected, Frost would be among the first members of Gen Z elected to Congress. The Constitution stipulates that all members of the U.S. House must be at least 25 and Frost will turn 25 in January."

Other Democrats running in CD 10 this year include state Sen. Randolph Bracy, former State Attorney Aramis Ayala, the Rev. Terence Gray, civil rights lawyer Natalie Jackson, and teacher Teresa Tachon. Republican candidates include nonprofit executive Willie Montague and Mahendranath Troy Rambaransingh.

The CD 10 seat most likely will be claimed by the winner of the 2022 Democratic Primary. Currently the district, which covers western Orange County, is strongly Democratic in voter registration. The district will be redrawn through reapportionment, but Republicans are expected to try to engineer gains in two neighboring congressional districts, so CD 10 could be more positioned to gain Democratic advantage, not lose it.