One of the best coffee you can enjoy is one that you roasted yourself. Sure it might take some time, but the taste is impeccable. And with a little practice, you can be a coffee roasting master at home. 

You can always buy a premium coffee roaster in Brisbane if you struggle with roasting coffee at home. But believe us when we say that home roasted coffee is the best. 

To begin roasting coffee at home, you need a source of green coffee beans. It's also crucial to understand the process of coffee roasting from start to finish. So without further delay, let's get roasting! 

Why Do We Roast Coffee?

Our favourite red fruit must go through several stages before it reaches our cups every morning. Coffee is like a dry pinto bean. It can be stored for long periods and remain fresh once it's been roasted. If you don't roast your coffee, its taste will be acidic and too bitter to drink. As a result, roasting gives coffee its unique flavour and aroma. 

What Happens During the Coffee Roasting Process? 

Green coffee goes through a drastic change once it is roasted. Roasting removes the liquid from the beans causing them to dry and expand. During the roasting process, the natural sugar is converted into CO2. Some of the sugar is caramelised, adding flavour to the coffee we drink every day. After the roasting process, the green bean will turn brown, reducing its acidity and bitterness by 18% and expanding by 50%. 

As soon as the roasting process is complete, the beans start to "degas." Roasted beans start losing their flavour and aroma in 2 weeks, so you shouldn't store roasted coffee beans for too long. 

Stages of Roasting Coffee 

Seasoned coffee roasters have identified 10 stages coffee beans must go through to be called "roasted." However, it's up to you when you want to stop. Here are the stages of Coffee roasting. 

  1. Green Stage: The beans will retain their natural green colour and their virgin green essence as they start to heat. 
  2. Yellow Stage: The beans start to lose their colour and turn yellow. They will also emit a grassy odour, which is a good sign. 
  3. Steam Stage: This is where the coffee beans start losing water, forming steam. If steam comes from your bean before they turn yellow, it means you are roasting at a high temperature. Bring it down a notch! 
  4. Popcorn Stage: This is the point where the roasting kicks in. You'll hear cracking sounds coming from the sugar being caramelised. The sound will be similar to making popcorn, hence the name. 
  5. City Roast: After the first crack, the sugar in the beans have started to caramelise. The coffee has reached a drinkable roasting level.
  6. City Plus Roast: Further caramelisation of sugar and migration of oils swell the beans. The coffee is a City Plus roast, and this is a popular and common roasting stage. 
  7. Full City Roast: When the beans are on the verge of a second crack, the coffee beans are at the Full City roast stage. This adds a darker shade to the coffee beans. The taste is stronger than in previous stages.
  8. Second Crack Stage: The beans are heated to the point of a second more intense crack. When you hear another cracking sound, your coffee is roasted. The second crack reveals another layer of flavour. 
  9. French Roast: The coffee is in its final roasting stage. The colour is dark brown, the smell is pungent, and the flavours are enhanced. The overall structure of the beans is broken, and some of the sugar is burned, adding a bitter taste to your coffee. 
  10. Burned Stage: If you don't stop roasting past the point of french roast, you'll burn your coffee beans. The smell goes from intense to terrible, and the taste is ruined. All the sugar is burned, and the coffee beans turn black. 

How Long Does it Take to Roast Coffee?

The time for roasting coffee depends on several factors, including the heat and the method of roasting. If you are roasting coffee the old fashioned way (on a stove), the heat of the flames will determine how long it takes. Coffee beans take around 10 minutes to reach stage 2 if your roast on medium heat. We won't advise you to increase the temperature further because you'll quickly dry all the flavours. 

Is it Worth The Struggle?

Here is the million-dollar question, "should I roast my coffee at home?" the answer to this depends on o your schedule. While home-roasted coffee is brilliant and with impeccable taste, do you have enough time for it? If you are a 9-5 person and need a shot of coffee to kick start your day, we'll say stick to premium coffee roasters in Brisbane. But if you are a house mom and think you can manage the hustle, go for home-roasted coffee!