I've been off the blogging radar for a bit but not because I didn't want to write...mainly because I just didn't feel the urge to chip out some time and sit down and do it, until today!

Life is BUSY. Trust me, I know that's not some statement that hasn't been uttered before by millions of people. Being busy is just a reality for most people now. I think it has to do with the fact that we are all constantly bombarded with stuff. Stuff on TV. Stuff at work. Stuff on social media. Stuff on our phones. Just stuff.

But as the holidays get closer and closer, I am trying to remind myself that I need to focus on what really matters. And playing on my phone or binging mindless hours of Netflix doesn't matter in the grand scheme.

How do you focus on what matters? First, deciding what is important is key.

For me, it's my family and friends. Way more than who said what or who posted what on social media does!

Between work, monitoring children, community obligations, and the necessary unwinding and personal time we adults are definitely on our phones a lot. When we choose to look at our phones rather than talk to a family member or friend, we are basically letting that person know they are not important enough! An article in the Huffington Post quoted Jennifer Chappell Marsh, a marriage and family therapist who said, "This behavior is incredibly frustrating because it gives the message that someone or something is more interesting than you. It can feel like outright rejection." I certainly don't want anyone to feel that way because I was on my phone instead of focusing on them.

Literally removing my phone from my hand is the next important step! I'm going to put it down across the room from where I'm sitting or even in the other room. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

I'm also planning to give myself a little breathing room on this because mindlessly scrolling on the phone is really an addictive trait! Research has proven people go through actual withdrawal symptoms (like raised heart rates and blood pressure) without their phones.

It's obviously going to be a work in progress but definitely, one that's not only a better idea for me physically but also much better for my relationships!

You with me?

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