Table of Reviews

You Make Me Feel Like Christmas - Review

You Make Me Feel Like Christmas - Lifetime - 2 hours and 0 minutes

After losing her mom, Emma doesn't want to go home for the holidays.  She plans on working through Christmas and meeting with her dad, the General, on New Year's Day.  When Kate, a decor guru, comes into Emma and Liz's shop, Kate is full of ideas for the Christmas Eve Extravaganza.  To gain buzz about it, Kate decides to have a pop-up.  During the pop-up, they will announce a contest for artisans.  The artist must create an object that displays the spirit of Christmas.  But Kate will state what they have to make and the event's charity during the pop-up.  Since Emma isn't coming home, the General puts away his holiday decorations.  Then, he hears a commotion outside.

Aaron, the General's neighbor, is home from active duty, and he is back for good.  The General welcomes Aaron inside his house, and Aaron sees a naked Christmas tree.  He decorates it, but the General says he doesn't want to because Emma won't be there.  Aaron tells his cousin, Sarah, that he has a great idea.  Aaron will go to Emma's shop and do everything possible to bring her home for Christmas.  While he tries to convince Sara his feelings are gone, she can see through his lies.  When Aaron and Emma see each other face to face, sparks and sadness hit them both.  In high school, Aaron broke Emma's heart.  Aaron knows he must earn Emma's trust before he can convince her to come home.  Nevertheless, as Aaron gains her trust, they develop love.  Will they lose it all when Emma discovers the motive for his visit?

This movie will strike a chord for the military and their families alike.  Since her mom died, Emma kept a distance from the General.  She feels they can't connect without her mother.  Aaron helps explain her father's position and helps her understand.  Aaron empathizes because his duty put a wedge in their friendship years before.  But a box of keepsakes will bring the truth to the light.  Hair jokes aside, this film provides two spellbinding loves stories.  While it may not be a classic, this movie will be a favorite of this season.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars

These puns are so bad I am feeling bleu - Aaron

Actually? Actually, I am mad - Emma

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Mistletoe & Molly - Review

Mistletoe & Molly - UPtv - 2 hours and 0 minutes

Molly prefers to donate to her local animal shelter than pay her final installment for her auto mechanic.  She hopes to find a job in advertising before her coffee shop closes its doors for good.  Molly left her father's company to make it without his help but hasn't found work since.  At the same time, every day, Aiden, or his secretary, comes in for his regular.  He overhears Molly talking to her co-working friend, Cam, about her car troubles, and Aiden leaves $100 with his business card.  Molly runs after him and tries to return the money.  He refuses to take it because fixing problems is his job.  He walks away from Molly and goes back to work.  Aiden puts his hands in his pockets and finds the money.  This game of philanthropic one-up-man-ship will end in jobs, charity, and love.  But can the love last when Aiden's giving nature makes him act like Molly's father?

Based on Mistletoe & Molly by Jennifer Snow, this couple falls in love with each other's giving nature (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer).  Molly has had her eyes on Aiden for a while but never spoke her authentic feelings.  When he sees how much Molly gives others, Aiden starts to fall in love too.  Seeing them help others while helping each other will warm your heart.  While it is the season of giving, you can watch this love story all year round.

I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars

Prove it - Aiden

I can't think of a better way to go - Molly

If you don't want the money, at least let me have it - Cam

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Nantucket Noel - Review

Nantucket Noel - Hallmark - 2 hours and 0 minutes

Christina owns Seaside Toys at the local harbor and meets with the other shop owners, Molly, Harriet, and Jacob.  And rumors are flying.  They heard a big corporate honcho named Oscar is in town to revitalize the harbor.  Her friends are ok with it, but Christina is not.  She doesn't want it to change.  She decided to get all the owners together to come up with a solution.  Christina walks into her store to see Andy and his daughter, Wink, looking at the lighthouse.  Wink remembers that Andy needed a gift, and they go into the store.  As Andy is on the phone, Christina sees Wink put a toy mermaid in her coat.  She calls Wink out and threatens to tell Santa.  While she doesn't give the misdeeds to Santa, she makes Andy aware.  Instead of reporting the girl, Christina allows Wink to work it off.  Gratefully, Andy accepts.  He understands Wink is acting out because of his divorce.  Typically, Wink spends the holidays with her mom, but Andy wants to be a hands-on parent this year.  However, Andy stays attached to his phone, something that Christina points out.  On the first day of the Seaside Noel, Christina introduces Andy and Wink to her friends.  And Andy does the same with his father, Oscar.  Christina asks if he is the same Oscar in charge of the changes.  And he confirms her theory.  She mentions the revitalization, and Oscar stops her.  He is doing a complete rebuild because the dock can't withstand the new marina's weight.  The shop owners must leave ASAP, so Oscar's company can stick to their strict schedule.  Christina refuses to accept this.  Since Oscar won't budge, Christina decides to convince Andy to help come up with a solution.  As she shows him the harbor's beauty, Andy falls in love.  But Oscar warns Andy that he is a victim of a love con.  Will Andy listen to his heart or his wallet?

Based on Let It Snow by Nancy Thayer, this movie has a few endearing moments, but it's not enough to draw your attention (FTC Affiliate Disclaimer).  However, the script points out its cliché of corporate versus small business stories.  So, even the writer knows the plot is overdone.  With the Hallmark staple, the movie comes to a more realistic conclusion for the main characters.  Even with the practical ending, this movie is background noise for holiday decorating.  

I give it 2 out of 5 stars

Well, if you expect the worst than you you'll never be disappointed - Harriet

Nice socks - Andy

Nope. I'm more like my mom - Wink

Bittlemans never say no to a good opportunity - Oscar

You can't do this. Don't you care what we think - Christina

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Dying for a Good Grade - Review

Dying for a Good Grade - LMN - 2 hours and 0 minutes

Anni sits with her guidance counselor, Ms. Kent, to discuss her college picks and SAT scores.  While Anni did above average on her SAT, Ms. Kent warns Anni that her score is not good enough to get into her school of choice.  Anni and her best friend, Katie, dreamed of going to the same college and living together since they were kids.  To do that, Ms. Kent tells Anni she needs to bring up her math SAT score.  When Katie tells Anni she got early admissions, Anni tells Katie about her worries.  Katie tells Anni not to worry and have fun at a party tonight.  Anni's crush, Nathan, will be at a party along with two cute football players.  As Anni finds a free moment to study, Riley approaches to help.  He works for Educating Youth Charity, and they offer help for entrance exams, scholarships, and application essays.  Anni takes his card and considers calling him, but money will be a factor.  The party isn't alleviating Anni's worries, so Katie decides to help.  The next day, Katie grabs her mother's phone and texts the guy who helped her.  Katie pretends to be her mom, Lisa, and offers to pay the same amount if he gets Anni into college.  When Katie tells Anni, Anni is furious.  Anni didn't want to cheat and never asked for Katie's help.  Anni wants to tell, but it would implicate Katie.  She tries to keep it a secret until one person is missing and another is dead.  Can Anni escape the lies before she dies?

Inspired by the College Admission Scandal, this movie adds a mob-like atmosphere to a non-violent situation.  It turns a serious issue into a 'what if' story.  With all the crazy characters, one of the worst is Katie.  She has little regard for her mother, best friend, or any guy she dates.  Katie isn't a bad student; she comes off as a sociopath, idiot, or both.  It's hard to tell.  With this crazy plot, the movie does pull off one curveball to keep viewers watching.  And don't worry, you will get a full character recap at the end.  Knowing the real story makes the plot comical instead of frightening.  So watch this movie for a good laugh.  

I give it 2.5 out of 5 stars

Shh you hear that.  It's the sound of someone who doesn't give a shi - Katie

Friends don't help friends cheat.  That's not the way it works - Anni

I want you to tell me everything that's going on - Jennifer

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Dancing Through the Snow - Review

Dancing Through the Snow - Lifetime - 2 hours and 0 minutes

Firefighter Michael adores his little ballerina, Lily.  Since his wife passed away, he now depends on his mother, Ann, to help with pick-ups, drop-offs, and the occasional meal.  As he practices with Lily, Michael's friend, Noah, comes in through the back door and tapes them dancing.  Noah promises to delete the video, and they go Christmas tree shopping.  At the Christmas Tree farm, Michael gives tree tips to a female customer.  Now, the customer assumes he works there.  But she learns the truth when she sees Lily.  The woman is Lily's ballet teacher, Olivia.  Embarrassed, Olivia apologizes for the confusion.  When Michael gets to work, his co-workers prance around.  Instead of deleting the video, Noah posted it online, and it went viral.  Commenters label Michael as America's Favorite Single Dad.  While Michael wants to hide, Lily is proud of her internet fame.  When Michael picks Lily up from class, he and Olivia chat about her progress.  They make a not-date date to meet for coffee and talk more.  Before she heads out to meet with Michael, Olivia's friend, Jordyn, shows Olivia a cute ballet video Jordyn found online.  Olivia asks how Jordyn knows Michael, but Jordyn had no idea the ballet dad was Olivia's date.  With Michael's 15 minutes of fame looming, that's not the couple's most complicated hurdles to love.  It's a little girl losing her Christmas traditions and a doomed bank loan.  Olivia borrowed money to open her studio, and the full payment is due.  If she can't get the money in time, she will close her studio and move to Florida.  Who will be the voice of reason to get this love back on track?

This movie has a sweet beginning, a slow but romantic middle, and a sweet end.  While it has some wise words for kids dealing with dating parents, the script doesn't offer much else.  Noah and Jordyn provide comic relief to break apart the monotony, but it's not enough to make you invest in the characters.  Even cute and talented kids can't stop this movie from being lost in the holiday movie shuffle.  Save this movie if you are snowed in and need to kill two hours.

I give it 2 out of 5 stars

If it were true, I would be a giant by now - Lily

What do you firefighters have against heat - Ann

Bravo - Noah

If you filmed something, you delete it now - Michael

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A Holiday in Harlem - Review

A Holiday in Harlem - Hallmark - 2 hours and 0 minutes

Every year, jet-setting Jazmin mails her gifts and goes on a vacation for the holidays.  On a work lunch, Jazmin sees that her grandmother, Mama Belle, rejects her delivery.  So Jazmin calls her.  Mama Belle tells Jazmin she wants to see her granddaughter, not a fruit basket.  While pleading her case, Jazmin slips that she is in New York.  With a guilt trip, Jazmin buys a festive sweater and meets her grandmother at Yuletide Yoga.  While Jazmin plans to leave that night, she accidentally injures Mama Belle during yoga.  Mama Belle can't get up her steps, so she will need help organizing the Christmas Jamboree.  The event spans several days, and it includes a fashion show, poetry slam, and Christmas dinner.  Jazmin shapes corporate infrastructure for a living, so she thinks it will be easy.  But Mama Belle doesn't think Jazmin understands the politics involved in coordinating the event.  So Mama Belle decides to make Caleb Jazmin's co-chair.  Caleb and Jazmin were best friends growing up but grew apart after the military deployed Caleb.  Caleb left the armed forces and works in his parents' hardware store with his sister.  He is glad to work with Jazmin but think she has a lot to learn.  While they are running the Jamboree, Mama Belle is pulling the love strings.

With the town as the backdrop, this movie gives you a small taste of Harlem all year round.  With worldwide cuisine, art, music, and community, this film has something for everyone.  While the traditions are new, the story is not.  Don't fret.  The supporting cast and Mama Belle will have you laughing from beginning to end.  And that sets this movie apart from the rest.  So sit back and have your Christmas fashion ready.

I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars

Oh, I don't know.  I have a few ideas - Mama Belle

Presence over presents - Jazmin

Are you coming or are you going to the airport - Caleb

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Snowed in for Christmas - Review

Snowed in for Christmas - UPtv - 2 hours and 0 minutes

Kaley works as an au pair for Miles and Margaret Mitchell's daughters, Lily and Rose.  As a side hustle, Kaley is a social media content creator, and she helped lots of companies go viral.  With a nudge from her parents, Kaley applied for a full-time position.  But Kaley hesitates on what she will do if she gets the job because she doesn't want to leave Lily and Rose.  At Mitchell's residence, Margaret tells Kaley they have to go to New York.  But they will be back in time to relieve Kaley of her duties.  They want to make sure Kaley has enough time to catch her flight and spend time with her family for the holidays.  Then Miles gets a call from his brother, Ethan.  Ethan decided to come stateside for the holidays after missing multiple Christmases.  As Kaley prepares the girls for the day, she answers a knock at the door.  It's the man she met at the toy store when she took the girls' gift for his nieces.  They didn't know they were talking about the very same girls.  The man is their uncle Ethan.  As Ethan settles in with the family, he gets a severe weather alert on his phone.  A blizzard will hit New York and caused canceled flights.  The Mitchells call Kaley and tell her they are one of the canceled flights.  They tell Kaley to leave the girls with Ethan and go home to her family.  But Kaley doesn't think the girls a comfortable with Ethan, so Kaley decides to stay as long as possible.  While giving the girls the Christmas they deserve, Kaley will teach Ethan how to care for them and fall in love with her.

With a former fiancée, grand gesture, and blizzard, you are never concerned about the characters.  They are so pleasant and wholesome you conclude everything will work out nicely for everyone.  This movie will give you some ideas for new family traditions, but the plot won't keep your attention.  With the onslaught of holiday movies, this film will get lost.

I give it 2.5 out of 5 stars

Just please, no more sweaters.  Anything but sweaters - Miles

Someone knows their classics - Ethan

Toy snatcher? - Kaley

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Coins Forever - Review

Coins Forever - TV One - 2 hours and 0 minutes

Alec calls Madison for a night out and tries to persuade her to give their relationship a try.  After their first awkward meeting, Alec hasn't been able to get the single mom of two off of his mind.  But he is not the only man thinking about Madison.  Madison's kids' father, Jake, wants to second chance at their relationship too.  Madison says no to Jake, but she gives Alec a chance at her heart.  When images of Madison and Alec show up online, her children, Jackie and Chloe, offer to handle Madison's social media presence.  They want her to get in front of the story.  While their relationship moves in the right direction, their careers are going well too.  Alec's job as a sports commentator made him a household name beyond sports.  However, his co-host, Demarco, thinks Alec is full of himself.  Then, Veronica, Alec's ex-friend-with-benefits, leads the network.  She wants to pick up where they left off, but he stops her and explains he has a girlfriend.  Madison is succeeding as an editor at her publishing company but is still under probation.  Every day she must bend over backward to prove herself to her boss.  When their need for success clashes with their romantic lives, it will make it easier for Veronica to manipulate the situation.  Can Madison trust Alec's love through her pain?

The third installment of the Coins series puts the finishing touches on Madison and Alec's relationship.  While the conclusion seems a bit selfish, it still satisfies long-term fans of the series with an explanation.  Alec and Madison quickly learn that they have to juggle family and career.  With great success, Alec lives in a world where he pays for everything, and his significant other is there at any moment.  Madison lives in a world where she can only depend on herself and must work any and every job to support her family.  For Madison, working provides financial freedom, never marriage.  But Alec sees Madison's dependence on works as unsupportive of his career.  Seeing them work through this will force viewers to take a side, but they have a realistic discussion and work through it as adults.  This plot allows viewers to be engaged in the story.  So sit back and enjoy the Coins conclusion.  

I give it 4 out of 5 stars

Why don't you give me a chance - Alec

My heart is on lockdown - Madison

You don't have to go away mad.  We didn't know you ware coming - Veronica

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One December Night - Review

One December Night - HMM - 2 hours and 0 minutes

Years ago, Bedford and Sullivan created one of the most popular Christmas songs called One December Night.  And at the height of their success, Mike Sullivan called it quits right before a concert with 40,000 fans in attendance.  Since then, Steve Bedford became a solo act.  Now, a network wants Bedford and Sullivan to perform their hit holiday single in front of Mike's famous house, Big Red.  Steve's son and agent, Jason, calls Dianne for help because he can't get Mike to perform.  So, Dianne calls Quinn into her office and asks Quinn to work with Jason to get Mike to perform.  Quinn says no, but Dianne dangles the carrot.  Quinn wants her newest artist, Addison, to get booked.  Dianne promises to let Addison open for Bedford and Sullivan for the Christmas show if Quinn can get Mike on stage.  Quinn says yes but working with Mike will dredge up lots of emotions because Mike is her father.  Quinn travels to Pineville and meets with Jason and Steve first. Jason and Quinn are old friends and quickly connect over frustrating, famous dads.  When they realize their fathers won't work with each other, they decide to use a different approach.  Quinn will work on getting Jason's dad to perform and vice versa.  By charming each other's father, Quinn can get Addison on stage, and Jason can convince Steve to take a residency in Las Vegas.

It doesn't take much to see how Steve's story will pan out the moment you see him on screen, and it will leave you crestfallen when he has to tell Jason the truth.  When the audience discovers the duo's publishing woes and Mike's attitude, it doesn't take much to see how they broke up.  Since you know the conclusions of all the plot lines, you don't feel an urge to watch.  This film is something to have in the background while decorating.  With that stated, Addison gives a beautiful rendition of holiday classics.  

I give it 2.5 out of 5 stars

Well, that makes sense - Jason

Did you know I was coming - Quinn

They think I need a babysitter - Mike

Not sure I appreciate the question, Quinn - Dianne

My name's Steve. I'm the nice one - Steve

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A Picture Perfect Holiday - Review

A Picture Perfect Holiday - Lifetime - 2 hours and 0 minutes

After finishing her photoshoot, Gaby talks to Leila about becoming a staff photographer instead of a freelancer.  Leila says they are looking for someone, but Gaby doesn't have the skills for the job.  While Gaby is a talented fashion photographer, her pictures lack warmth and depth.  Later, Leila suggests Gaby go on a photography retreat to strengthen her portfolio.  While she can't promise Gaby an interview, Leila will give Gaby's new portfolio a second look for the future.  Gaby calls and books the retreat for five nights.  When she arrives at the cabin, a man in a towel named Sean asks why she is there.  She explains that she booked it with Fran, but Sean did it through Robert.  When they call Fran and Robert, Fran and Robert come over immediately with groceries.  Fran and Robert didn't check with each other, so they double booked the cabin.  With no vacancies in the area, Sean and Gaby decide to share the cabin.  While Sean helps Gaby find respect for the film, she will help him find the need for digital.  Together, Sean and Gaby will make friends, photos, memories, and a romance.  But when work calls, can Gaby leave true love behind to achieve her dream?

This sweet story about an accidental connection is nothing new this holiday.  But with the right scenery and chemistry, this movie captures your attention.  Since you know how Gaby and Sean's romance will end, you become vested in the relationship between Dani and Amelia.  They both want to take the next step in their relationship, but they keep losing their window.  Each missed moment will make you anticipate the next.  You don't need to watch this one immediately, but save it on your DVR for later.

I give it 3 out of 5 stars

And the ping pong begins - Gaby

Who hurt you - Sean

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A Mother's Fury - Review

A Mother's Fury - LMN - 2 hours and 0 minutes

After having a baby, Elizabeth wants to meet up with her friends, Julie and Kate.  At the brunch, Julie has terrific news.  She's pregnant with her first child using Elizabeth's IVF doctor.  Elizabeth is thrilled for Julie, but Kate feels like the odd girl out and doesn't hide her jealousy.  Elizabeth and Julie tell her they envy her amazing dating life, so she shouldn't be jealous.  Later, Elizabeth's publisher, Sharon, calls her.  Sharon wants to know when Elizabeth will start her next crime novel.  With a new life, Elizabeth doesn't feel like talking about death.  Elizabeth shares her feelings with her husband, Jeff, and he thinks she should blog about being a mom.  She has been through a lot in a year, so Jeff believes Elizabeth could be a caring soundboard for other moms-to-be and new moms.  Elizabeth starts blogging and gets instant traction.  Even Sharon is happy to see the numbers and thinks this could grow into something bigger.  One day, Elizabeth notices a comment from 'mommy says no-no' putting her down for mixing formula with breast milk.  Jeff tells Elizabeth to ignore it, while Kate tells her to take the high road.  And Elizabeth knows blocking the troll is a bad idea because they can create new screennames or mask their IP address.  So, Elizabeth takes the high road.  But the troll won't stop.  When Elizabeth starts to panic, Jeff remarks that she may have postpartum depression.  But Elizabeth knows the troll is becoming increasingly dangerous.  However, Elizabeth doesn't know she will face social services, a hit-and-run, and a kidnapping.  Can Elizabeth find the troll before she loses her career, life, and, most importantly, her son?

With Elizabeth's celebrity status, viewers have a few crazy fans to pick from as the troll.  Lifetimers will be able to weed the red herrings and narrow it down to a few suspects.  But it will be infuriating to see Elizabeth's instincts written off as depression.  That's similar to calling someone crazy after you made them upset.  This momma bear's instincts are spot-on when it comes to the safety of her baby.  But they are dead wrong in other aspects of her life.  While this movie requires focus to watch, it does have a few lulls.  It puts a spotlight on internet trolls and 'cancel culture.'  So give this one a chance.  

I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars

You could get it out to me - Julie

She's always been a diva since the day you introduced us - Kate

I though you said you were going to ignore her - Jeff

Dont' say the B word. I hate the B word - Elizabeth

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