When we tell our kids, "use your words", this is not, what we mean, that they should BITE someone else, translated…

The very first time my child got bitten by her classmate, it was one bite, the second time, three bites, reason for why my child was bitten was, the one who'd bitten her thought that my child was like, brad.

Thankfully, the external injuries weren't, too severe, after I took my child in for tetanus shot, the second dose.  We'd blamed ourselves, for allowing our young to get bitten, twice, the first time he got bitten, we'd communicated with him on the angle of, "biting hurts someone", that he shouldn't use the "An eye for and eye, and bite the one who'd bitten him back, that he should call for help, and run away as fast as he could."

I'd told the other parent, "it's normal, that when kids play together, they may conflict, so long as there's no serious injuries, and it wasn't, intentional, we won't pursue, but you still need to be careful, after all, children are cute sure, but, very, fragile too." reason why I'd told the biting child's father this, was because there was the incident of how this classmate who'd bitten another got scratched by the one whom he'd bitten, and, as soon as the father of the other child found out, he became, furious, I think, now that we're, the victims, we should, take a, milder approach, with more tolerance, to make things easier for both.

like this, in young children...

and, guess what'll, happen next??? that kid in black is gonna, CRY!!! Photo from online

The father of the classmate saw how we weren't going to, pursue, and, let out a sigh of relief, asked if the teacher had, disciplined on the matter, and he'd told, "then, I won't nag him anymore when we go home.", and, it's still because of this attitude, that my son got bitten, again!

We can understand, that biting is what happens at this age, and, the road to childrearing, isn't an easy one to be on, we'd cared more of one another's attitude on the matter, and the thoughts of it, that we needed to work together, and it couldn't be that our child became "bread" to the other child, because of our, being, too tolerant.  And later, we'd, reached consensus, and my young girl's father took her to apologize, and promised that he'll, communicate how biting was wrong to his own young.

Later on, we'd bought the illustrated books, "Your Teeth aren't Used for Biting Another Person" to teach, and in the same series, there were also the titles of, "Your Hands, Not Made for Hitting", and "Your Feet, Not for Kicking Someone", it's a hard road we're on, educating our own young, and we shouldn't take it lightly either.

And, depending on the age, biting, is a part of normal development, and, a preschool age who continued to use her/his teeth to "communicate" with the outside world around her/him, may not have had enough oral stimulation in her/his own oral stages of development, that's what causes her/him, to bite excessively, or, maybe, it's because the child is upset, and s/he couldn't find the right words to verbalize (as a kid that young doesn't have a rich enough vocabulary bank yet!), that's why this kid is, using BITING, to show her upset, and, the parents MUST find out what causes her/his own young to want to bite the classmates, to resolve this completely, and, don't think, that oh, my son/daughter will, grow out of it, because it's this sort of a, "I'll just let time pass and see what happens" attitude, that will get you, SUED, because your child's still a "minor", and, whatever your kid did wrong or bad, it's, on Y-O-U!

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