Florida's top prosecutor is suing the Joe Biden administration, saying it's failed to share more about a series of federal flights carrying illegal immigrants into Florida "under the cloak of darkness."

The lawsuit is Florida's latest effort to uncover more about the overnight flights. Gov. Ron DeSantis claims at least 70 migrant flights have landed in Jacksonville since the summer. Federal agencies, meanwhile, are mum on issue.

"I have exhausted all non-litigious avenues for obtaining answers, but since the Biden administration refuses to be transparent with the American people, I have no other recourse than to take this matter to court — to get answers that will better help us protect the safety and security of Floridians," said Attorney General Ashley Moody.

DeSantis and company are no strangers to challenging the Biden administration. State leadership frequently locks horns with the Democratic leader, particularly over immigration.

The filing names the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Immigration Services as defendants.

The flights came under heavy fire in November after a 24-year-old Honduras man entered the country by posing as an unaccompanied minor and killed a Floridian.

The man, Yery Noel Medina Ulloa, fatally stabbed a father of four in Jacksonville who had taken him in.

"Federal immigration policies have real consequences on the lives of Floridians," Moody added. "We need to know how and why the Biden administration is choosing to catch and release illegal immigrants — sending many to live in Florida."

Florida has begun taking immigration security into its own hands.

DeSantis in September tapped Larry Keefe — a former Donald Trump-nominated U.S. Attorney — as Florida's "Public Safety Czar."

In June, the Republican Governor sent 50 state cops to the Southern Border. DeSantis is a leading critic of Biden's "open-border agenda."

The mission has cost taxpayers $1.6 million, the Miami Herald reports.