When Namjoon leaves the studio in the early evening hours for a drink, his friends are waiting for him in the living room.

"There you are," Hoseok greets him. "Come sit down with us."

"Oh no," Namjoon sighs and puts down his glass of juice. "Please don't tell me you've prepared something again."

"This time it's something harmless." Seokjin lifts his hands in defense. "Promise."

"It's Saturday night. Perfect time for a Christmas movie, right?" Tae asks and motions for Namjoon to sit with them on the couch.

"I don't have time for that, Tae." Namjoon shakes his head. "We've wasted too much of it this afternoon."

"So you think celebrating my birthday is a waste of time?" Jin wonders and shoots Namjoon a pained look

"That's not what I meant." Namjoon takes off his glasses and massages his temples. "I mean I have to get some work done today."

"True. He has to stare at the blank paper." Muffled laughter follows Jimin's joke.

"But we won't simply watch a movie," Hoseok explains. "We analyze it for stylistic devices and seasonal values."

"Basically, we're doing research like lazy people," Yoongi chimes in.

"Here. We've got a pen and notepad ready for you," Jungkook tries to lure Namjoon onto the couch.

"Please, Joonie!" Seokjin begs with big puppy eyes. "It's my birthday today!"

Knowing he cannot win against the other six, Namjoon gives in and sits down between Jungkook and Yoongi. "Okay, fine. But we watch only one movie, promise?"

Hoseok already got a hold on the remote. "Okay. Any suggestions on what to watch? Maybe 'The green furry guy who hates Christmas'? Or 'The Train to North Pole'?"

Namjoon shakes his head. "Too childish. How about a classic movie like 'Isn't life cheesy?'"

"I want to watch 'Jean-Pierre saves Santa Claus!'" Jungkook chirps.

"What's that other movie called again?" Hoseok frowns and taps his forehead with his knuckles. "You know, the one about the boy who is left home alone? Remember it? We watched it last year at Tae's place."

"That was me in that video!" Taehyung snaps. "That was a home video from my childhood!"

"It was a very entertaining home video," Jimin says and pats his best friend's back. "My favorite scene was when you hid under your parent's bed, because you were afraid of your next-door neighbor."

Taehyung raises his hands to his head. "I was eight years old! Stop judging me!"

"Do you know what I want to watch?" Seokjin asks sheepishly to end the quarrel. "'Santa's Secret World'! That was my favorite cartoon when I was a kid! I used to watch it every year!"

Yoongi tilts his head in disbelief and looks at Seokjin like he is some kind of maniac. "We won't watch 'Santa's Secret World'! That series is for babies!"

Seokjin nudges Yoongi's chest with his index finger. "Hey! If you got something against 'Santa's Secret World', you got something against me!"

"I want to watch 'Christmas Holidays'", Taehyung suggests. "I love watching that family succumbing in chaos while preparing for Christmas."

"What about 'Lose your life in a difficult way'? That's kind of a Christmas movie too, right?"

Namjoon laughs at Yoongi's odd idea. "Sounds good, but I think it's a bit too violent to use for my lyrics."

Now that the boys made their suggestions but remain far from reaching any conclusion, Hoseok shakes his head and declares: "This doesn't help. It's best if we decide by draw. The one getting the ticket with the X decides which movie to watch."

Jungkook quickly prepares the tickets, and within the next minute everyone draws a piece of folded paper out of Jimin's baseball cap.

"YES! I got the X!" Seokjin squeals in glee. "You all know what I choose!"

With that decided, they all more or less agree to watch the first three episodes of 'Santa's Secret World'. None of the boys wanted to admit that they secretly liked the cartoon—and even more—that they let Seokjin win on purpose.

It does not take long until Namjoon falls asleep and dreams of a peaceful Christmas wonderland.

Today's Advent Calendar Surprise:

*20 days until Christmas Eve*

Happy birthday, Jin! Lots of love from us to you!

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