At some random early morning hour, long before the stars in the dawning sky have a chance to fade away, the boys sneak into Namjoon's room. They gather in front of his bed and try to suppress their giggles as their best ability, and at Jimin's sign, all shout: "GET UP, JOON!"

Namjoon jolts awake with a high-pitched squeal and then falls from the bed.

"What are you doing here?!" He shouts at the boys and despitehe is wearing a t-shirt, he covers his chest with the blanket. Blinking his eyes as he gets up, Namjoon looks around and adds: "And why are you already awake, Yoongs?"

"I wonder myself…" Yoongi exhales a big yawn which speaks louder than any words.

Jungkook gently nudges him as he whispers: "Yoongi! Introduce theChristmas custom!"

"Alright, alright! I present to you..." Yoongi lifts a thin cardboard box with a picture of Santa Claus putting presents underneath a Christmas tree on it. " advent calendar!"

"It doesn't look like a calendar at all," Jimin remarks, trying to make sense of the rather odd selection of numbers spread across it.

"It's more like a calendar in a figurative sense," Yoongi explains and accidentally drops the advent calendar while stretching his arms to relieve his tiredness but makes no effort to pick it up afterward. "It hastwenty-four 'doors', to count down the days of December until Christmas Eve."

Hoseok picks up the advent calendar and shakes it to get an idea of its content. "And what are those 'doors' for?"

"To open them and see what's behind, of course!" Jungkook giggles.

"Hey, today is December 7th," Taehyung reminds everyone. "That means all of us can open one window!"

As the boys get closer to the advent calendar to decide which number to pick, Seokjin immediately puts his finger onto the window with the number four. "That's mine! It was my birthday after all!"

"Since I am the leader of BTS, can I get number one?", Namjoon jokes as he gets up from the floor.

"Hey! Don't leave number seven to me because I'm the youngest!" Jungkook insists, after being the last one to have a chance to look at the calendar.

After the numbers were distributed more or less reasonably, everyone opens a door and claims its content. However, they are not particularly thrilled by what they find.

"I got up this early for a tiny piece of low-quality candy?!" Yoongi yells at the square-shaped piece of chocolate in the palm of his hand.

"Mh. It's not bad at all," Namjoon mumbles as he chews. "If you don't want it can I have yours?"

"Maybe we should get our own advent calendars next year?" Hoseok suggests, and is occupying Namjoon's bed to prevent his friend (and Yoongi) from going back to sleep. "That way we won't have to argue about whose turn it is."

"I don't know if I want to eat chocolate every morning for twenty-four days," Jimin sighs while patting his abs.

"Don't worry about getting out of shape, Jimin," Yoongi reassures his friend. "Nowadays, advent calendars are filled with all sorts of things. Jewelry, cosmetics, stories..."

"Wait a sec! I just noticed something…" Hoseok sits down at the edge of the bed and picks up the advent calendar again. "The calendar has 24 doors, right? And we are seven. This works out asthree pieces of chocolate for each with another three pieces spare."

Taehyungs eyes widen. "What? But how do we decide who gets the extra chocolate?"

"It was my birthday this month, so I should get extra chocolate," Seokjin proudly declares.

"In my opinion you shouldn't get any more chocolate at all!" Yoongi yells and plants himself in front of Seokjin who clicks his tongue. "Oh Yeah? But my face is more handsome than yours!"

Hoseok frowns and shakes his head. "What kind of argument is that?"

"Besides it's a matter of taste," Jimin agrees with a hurt look on his face.

"I'm the youngest, so I should get another piece," Jungkook tries his luck by swaying the others with his cute doe eyes. When his eyes meet Taehyung's, his friend flicks him off. "Playing the 'Maknae card' is not working anymore!"

"Enough!" Namjoon's voice thunders through the room. and the others become silent. "We shouldn't argue over some cheap chocolate!"

Yoongi nods. "Right, we should be fighting about expensive chocolate!"

"I think I give up on extra chocolate," Taehyung replies with a disgusted look on his face. "It left a strange aftertaste in my mouth..."

"Same." Jimin covers his mouth with one hand and looks around for a bottle of water to wash down the nasty sugary taste.

"Does that mean I get two extra pieces?" Seokjin asks with a bright smile.

"NO!" As if on cue, everyone starts talking simultaneously. It does not take long until the situation escalates and pillows fly across the room.

Amid the commotion, Namjoon sneaks out of the room.

'There's one good thing about the situation,' he remisses as he tiptoes through the living room toward the studio's door. 'While the others argue about who gets extra chocolate, I can work on my lyrics without being disturbed.'

Today's Advent Calendar Surprise:

*17 days until Christmas Eve*

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