I wasn't feeling it today. The dogs had me up a bit last night and my man left early in the morning so the bed was cold. I wanted more time to just snuggle in the sheets before starting my day; but the day would start without me if I didn't get my @$$ out of bed! So I finally got up anyway.

Begrudgingly, I dragged myself out to the shower and in my funk debated on not washing my hair. Ya know, just throwing it up in a bun and hoping for the best. I washed it anyway.

After a week of eating whatever I want, the slacks being a bit snug was apparent. I debated wearing a loose fitted garment; but instead I wore my slacks and paired it with a brand new pair of shoes that matched perfectly. I wore the slacks anyway.

The thought of barely doing makeup crossed my mind but I was feeling a little more "with it" after getting dressed so I decided to really do it up on the makeup. There were hints of blue in my shadow to match the outfit and I actually put on a pale lipstick. I did the makeup anyway.

By now I was feeling a little more normal, not so sluggish and quite grateful for all the little things of this world. I typically make a morning phone call and almost declined, but decided to do it anyway.

With a great outfit, fresh hair and makeup, along with my morning chat I was ready to face the day as if I woke with pep in my step. The day at work was super productive and I'm thankful for the mornings that even though they may start off a little slow, can still be constructive with a little bit of effort to go ahead and DO IT ANYWAY!!

Those piles I've been avoiding were cleared and although tedious I was in the position to go ahead and do it anyway.

What are you setting aside or avoiding? Time to step up and get it done.