Alexis gently rocked in the chair as she stared out the window of what would have been the nursery. She had not left in the past week except to use the bathroom. Alexis had little interest in food and sleep. The bit of sleep she did get was empty and felt as if she hadn't slept at all.

Brian was kind at first but now he seemed less and less comforting as the days went by.

"Alexis, you need to get up," Brian told her firmly. He stood in the doorway, never daring to come in. "You need to shower and eat something."

Alexis said nothing.

"You're going to die if you keep sitting there like that. Get up." Brian said annoyed by her lack of response.

Alexis continued to stare out of the window.

She heard Brian shuffle off and then the sound of water running. When he returned his sleeves were rolled up and his hands were wet. He hesitated in the doorway a moment before he barged in and picked Alexis up. She squirmed in his arms as he carried her to the bathroom. Alexis resisted as he took off her clothes and put her in the tub.

Brian walked out, closing the door behind him. Alexis sat in the warm water and wiped her nose.

Her cellphone rang and she wiped her hand on the towel and looked at it. Her dad was calling her but she did not bother to pick it up. He would know something was wrong when she immediately started talking. It was easier to just pretend that she was busy than to let her family know something was wrong.

After all, Alexis was his favorite child. Her sisters caused enough trouble for all of them. It was Alexis's job to be the one they didnt have to worry about.

At least she hadn't gotten around to telling them she was pregnant before the miscarriage. That was one phone call Alexis did not want to make.

Alexis bathed and covered herself with her robe before walking into the bedroom. She laid down on top of the covers and closed her eyes, hoping for the sweet escape of sleep.

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