It is unseasonably warm on the Western slope. The kale is still growing in the raised bed. I completed my blissful house cleaning and changed the sheets. I completed my workout. My soul needed a mundane day. The daily scrub, sweeping, and washing the floors with my homemade lavender & mint cleaner. I polished the wood furniture with lemon and mint polish that I created. The house smells fresh and looks well-scrubbed. There is a serenity in performing the cleaning basics of the home.

Supper is very simple this evening. My great-grammy Doris's Scalloped potatoes with layers of ham and broccoli, warm fluffy biscuits, a green salad topped with almonds & apples, and a dish of home canned peaches.

Today was a heavy-hearted day. I made a decision about my mother legally. My mother and I are not very close. In fact, I didn't live with my parents during my very early years I decided to not be her legal guardian. I have elected to have a state-appointed guardian through an outsbudman program for the elderly. It will take the power struggle away from between myself and my mother. I do not want to be dictated to by my parent. I do not want to struggle with her about needs vs wants. Her choices in life made it crystal clear to me that she doesn't want me to handle her affairs or she would have elected to have me be in charge of her affairs years ago. Now it is necessary for my mother to have a guardian, it falls on my shoulders. It is very difficult to have the grace to make choices for her; when she didn't make the best choices for me. However, I did make choices for her when my mother was not able to do that for herself during her health crisis. I was exhausted by forcing the hospital to admit her. I am exhausted by my mother. It would be freeing to simply be her daughter. I do not have to fix things as I always have.

By stepping back, I am able to process what has happened in our family. I can look at her with a kinder focus. It is a way to move forward. My mother is not going to change, whereas, I have changed in the way I engage with her. So, today, I needed to meditate in caring for my family and letting go of my sadness with every mudane task.

Recipe: My grammy Doris's scalloped potatoes with broccoli and ham.

3 tablespoons of butter

1 onion minced

2 tablespoons of flour

1/2 teaspoon of salt

1/4 teaspoon of pepper

2 1/2 cups of milk

6 potatoes peeled and thinly sliced.

Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease a casserole with what fat you have. In a large sauce pan saute the onion in the butter. Stir in flour salt pepper and milk. Bring to a boil and stir for 2 minutes.

Line the casserole with potatoes. Pour the milk mixture of the potatoes. I add another piece of butter in tiny pieces. Cook 70 minutes.

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