My Master and I have discussed hypnosis before, and it is something that stirs both of our cages. While I wouldn't really say we've achieved any sort of level of hypnosis, we've definitely developed a system of triggering words to help redirect my focus. There are actually five words, to date, but it started as three. They only work when they come from my Master and there is one word programmed to work from Daddy, as well. I'd love to tell them to you, but I cannot. However I will tell you about their effect on me. As I start thinking about them, my cage starts to strain a bit. In addition, I am not really allowed to show the emotion they cause when I am not right in front of either, so I tend to go a bit blank. So, if run into me and suddenly I go blank, check my cage, it will likely be expanding. Now, back to the words.

The first word triggers a response of pain. When my Master speaks it or sends it via text, all of my pain receptors fire. I feel every bit of pain he has given me. It puts me in that place that I go when I take my Master's pain. It is a place of disconnected connectedness. I focus on the sensation. I focus on my Master. I focus on making him happy. Inevitably, I think about his amazing eyes, his amazing grin, and a particular look of satisfaction and pride when I'm taking intense pain from him. As the word is repeated, the sensation of pain grows stronger and more intense. 

The second word causes the sensation of being filled with an inflatable plug while taking my Master's cock down my throat. Every time the word is repeated, the plug grows bigger and his cock goes deeper and deeper down my throat. It is a mental spit roasting of sorts, I suppose. All I know is that it makes me more eager than I already am to have my Master closer to me and deeper inside of me, if wanting, needing, craving that is more possible than the current level of craving. Beyond this increased need to be closer and have him deeper inside of me, I often have that mental feeling of being empty and my hole wrecked, despite no physical penetration having actually occurred. If you have ever been opened up with one of those pig hole toys, it is something akin to the feeling you would have after it comes out. 

The third word is more of a word that turns me into a physical object. When my Master gives me the word, I hold the pose that I am in at the moment. Turns out, I inadvertently have been holding my mindset at that given moment. That's just an amazing added extra that happened to come along with this particular word. 

The fourth word is a recent addition. In fact, it hasn't been tested yet. However, when I'm given this word, I am supposed to go into a head space that lets me separate from my self. It lets me enter an almost animalistic slave mindset. It is a space of submission, on all fours. It is a space where I want nothing more than to serve, be near, and just protect my Master. The protection part wasn't really part of the programming, but it is just there. Think guard dog, and you are somewhere in the ballpark for this word. 

The fifth word was programmed for Daddy. When he gives me this word, all I can think about doing is absolutely with all I have physically show him just how much I fucking want him. Use your imagination, but it is basically my usual lustful thoughts amplified and put into action. 

Sir, as usual, has my safety at the top of his agenda so he promised to never use these when he knows I am driving, with a patient,

There is a list of words we plan to program for this slave. One thing I know, is that each and every time we use them, I'm reminded how much I'm unconditionally loved. I remember that I've never allowed anyone inside my mind like this. I'm reminded that the level of trust in our relationship is nothing I ever expected to find. I'd say I probably didn't really want someone to know me so well at a past point in time. That's all changed because of Drew and Axel. I'm proud of who and what they have done for me and the person I've become because their acceptance of every part of me. I'd venture to say most will never find this on the same level, but I hope that you do. Its worth trying to find. It's fucking amazing, and I think I'm better because of it.