
Another upgrade to PC Futures: the Last Revolution

At a time of rising crisis there is no real left, even as the right is getting stronger and threatens fascism. Below is a short selection form the text: 'virtual revolution': consider the idea of a revolution as a thought experiment. Piecemeal activism cannot hope to change the system. There are vigorous activism groups, but they seem to appear as a photoshoot in Common Dreams, forgotten the next day.
We have tried here to speak to both reformist and revolutionary sides, but to caution that the Gandhian legacy of much pseudo-radical activism has wasted decades. At the same time the legacy of Bolshevism has destroyed Marxism, Marx at fault or not.

We have proposed a critique of Marxism, disowning the left of the Second International as to its Marxist confusions, and suggested a simpler way to establish socialism as 'democratic market neo-communism'. Revolutionary action might be rejected but it must be considered. Without it no unified sense of what is needed can work. And the Marxists have left a void where nothing but dictatorship can result. That became obvious very early in the Russian Revolution, even at the Leninist period.
Anyway, the revolution is coming on its own, but a new left must without delay rise to challenge the armed fascist alt-right which seemed feckless five years ago but which has now captured the Republican Party.
Seeing their failure consciously or unconsciously the marxist groups have all stalled and get virtually no attention or membership. A whole new approach is needed, with a reformist angle and also a revolutionary option, and one carefully worked out and able to become a popular movement.

Virtual Revolution

    As the clock runs out, the revolutionary option lurks as the reality we must confront. But the idea is too controversial still, although a kind of desperation is moving a larger public to consider the probable failure of activist movements. Consider without the endless hesitation the revolutionary option as a gedanken experiment. Even if rejected it indusces realism about the failure of piecemeal activist thrashing about. And it forces realism as well toward marginal prospects of change in ruined leftist historyThe pieces of the puzzle come together. All the great achievements of modern freedom were revolutionary in their character. A Gandhian project is likely be a way to kill millions. Hamlet also hesitated with his own 'virtual revolution', against his uncle. Revoluion indeed. Now, Uncle Sam.