Thursday, January 27, 2022

Be OK with Dropping the Ball

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This Month...

"I gave myself permission to slow down in the areas where I could."
– Suzanne Brown

Others' Thoughts...

"How inspiring would it be…if they saw female executives who don't pretend to do it all, but are open and honest about the balls they have dropped to get where they are today?"
– Tiffany Dufu, Drop the Ball
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Mompowerment Thoughts

Hi read,

How are you doing today? How is this week going? Does it seem like it's been a really long month or is it just me?

I was inspired by a post on LinkedIn from someone who I know who shared how she recently dropped the ball. So, I let myself drop the ball.

My two young boys were home sick with a bug early in the week and my seasonal allergies were off the charts bad. On top of trying to take care of two rather needy boys, my head felt like it was in a vice. So, I didn't try to power through. I gave in and focused on caring for my children and myself.

Some days your productivity will rock n' roll and other days simple won't. You have to give yourself space and grace to have both. You will catch up, even if it takes a few days or even weeks. You don't need to power through. Let your natural productivity rhythms do their thing and you'll get there.

Some of you might be saying you can't simply give in and you must power through. I get it. I did work on some things for clients, but I let myself take more time to get things done. I met my few client deadlines and let other deadlines slide. I didn't worry about posting on social media and moved back sending out requested proposals. I moved things around. I gave myself permission to slow down in the areas where I could.

What that meant was knowing what to prioritize in my work. You can bet that planning for the week on Sunday helped me set my goals, priorities, non-negotiables, and deadlines for the week. And that time I take to plan each day on the night before made a big difference in that I knew how I could move things each day to keep moving forward, albeit at a slower pace.

So, how are you making sure you keep moving forward in these challenging moments? What helps you in these moments when childcare emergencies pop up?

Be well,


PS I'd I'm considering setting up two Zoom calls for subscribers each quarter, one for employees and one for entrepreneurs. It's a time to network, ask questions, etc. Reply back with I'm in and whichever one you are so I can get a general idea of interest and size of the groups.

PPS If it's a new year and you want to change your habits, the Mompowerment book can help. Learn more about the books link to:

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How Can I Help You?

Trying to make meaningful changes to create greater work-life balance this year? If you're putting together a proposal for changes at work, don't do it alone. Suzanne can look over your proposal and give you specific feedback before you share with your manager or senior leadership.

Need help as you rethink duties on the home front? Don't let another year go by if you want things to be different. Book a strategy session with Suzanne to help you solve a specific challenge and make things happen in 2022. Take action now!

As a manager or senior leader, are you trying to focus more on wellness for your team and employees? Schedule time for a strategy session with Suzanne to brainstorm how you can support your team so you attract and retain the amazing working moms in your organization. Recommend Suzanne to do a workshop as part of the company wellness efforts or as a speaker in an Employee Resource Group (ERG) in 2022.

See more about Suzanne's speaking services and topics

20-minute, 60-minute, half-day, and whole day sessions available

Book Your Session Today!

Insights from Mompowerment

Working Parents, Do You Have a Plan for Childcare Emergencies?

Read my article in Harvard Business Review on how to plan for and respond to childcare emergencies. Be ready for when these unexpected hiccups come up. 

Say Yes as a Working Mom with Kate Isler

Looking to make bold changes and up your game at work? Get ideas and tips on how to create more opportunities to say yes as a working mom.

Helpful Thoughts & Tools from Others

Upcoming Events

Private events for various groups and companies

Buy the Books

Grab your copy of either of the award-winning Mompowerment books for yourself, your friends and colleagues, or your employees. 
Buy "Mompowerment" Book on Amazon
Buy "The Mompowerment Guide to Work-Life Balance" on Amazon

About Suzanne Brown

Suzanne Brown is a strategic marketing and business consultant and work-life balance speaker, workplace strategist, and bestselling and 4-time award-winning author. She empowers working moms to create greater work-life balance and helps companies become more balance friendly. Read her weekly blog, watch her TED talk, or read more about her books at She lives in Austin, TX with her husband and two young boys.
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