Acts 16 Verse 25:

"About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them".

To be a witness for Our Lord and Our Friend, is not just a good time witness. When everything is rosey, it is easy to be happy for all the world to see. But somehow just witnessing like that, has missed the richness involved in scripture verse Mark 8 verse 34:

"Then He called His disciples and the crowds to come over and listen, 'If any of you wants to be my follower', He told them, 'You must put aside your selfish ambitions, shoulder your cross and follow Me".

To follow after Him, requires a turn around, the spot lights of life should never be on us, they should be declaring to the world what we have In Him.

An old Hymn called I believe, "In Christ is Abounding Love", we read the words:

In Christ is love abounding:

In Him redeeming Grace:

In Him my daily manna:

In Him My hiding plavce:

In Him there is atonement:

In Him eternal life:

In Him full Salvation:

Paul and Silas were in prison with their feet in stocks, yet they know and believed what they had In Christ. They wouldn't have been singing that Hymn, but the Words would have been most likely similar.

Expressing His, Abounding Love, His Redeeming Grace, His Sufficiency He has for all of us The Security We have In Him, The Transformation that comes to our Lives In Him, and The Gift Of Life Eternal With Him.

I have been doing a lot of reflecting and study lately, asking my own question to the situations in my own life. The times I feel most contented is when I pray and sing to My Lord and My Friend.

To accept Him and Believe Him, means no matter what happens to us, He is With Us, and His Presence in our lives, should have us joyous that He has plans for our lives. Jeremiah 29 verse 11:

Paul and Silas, knew what they had In Christ, and even in their difficult circumstances, they wanted others to know.

A tests brings a testimony, which always should bring Glory to Our Lord and Our Friend.

God Bless.