The year of 2022 has finally come. I'm a big fan of reflecting on the past year, and setting goals for the new one. I do it every year, and every year I'm surprised by how many of my goals I actually reach. What are my goals for 2022? I always set many (I actually have 16 this year), so I'll tell you about the most important ones.

Going on solo (day)trips

I'm a very social person and I like to experience life with my friends, family and husband. But I'm also an only child, a scorpio and a very spiritual being - so I need my quiet time. Exploring new places or going into nature by myself is something I really enjoy, but don't do too often. It always humbles and excites me at the same time, so in 2022, I'm planning on doing more trips my myself. Even if it's just for a day.

Dry January

My relationship with alcohol has always been a difficult one. I wouldn't say my usage is problematic, but I've always had a love-hate relationship with it, and therefore find it hard to find that sweet spot or balance. Last year, I tried dry January for the first time and I loved it. It was a very spiritual and powerful month for me, that I extended to six weeks. I learned a lot about myself and felt a lot healthier afterwards, so I'm looking forwards to the same benefits this year.

Reading at least six books

I know reading six books in a year doesn't seem like a lot to some people. I've heard people say they wanted to read 20 or even 50 books this year. But I am not much of a reader, I don't find it relaxing and I have not yet found the genre that I really love. So my goal for 2022 is to at least read one book every two months. And even though this sounds doable, I know I will still have to try hard and commit as reading is not in my system yet. For Christmas, I got a Kindle so hopefully this helps me with my goal. If you have any tips on how to make reading more easy, let me know! 🙂

Making money online

I am quite hesitant to share this goal with you, as it seems like such a big goal and kind of 'out there' to me. Since I started this blog last year, I've been wanting to extent my entrepreneurial goals and actually make some money from online projects. As I want to keep this blog as pure and real as I can, I'm not actively striving to make money of off this blog. I am, however, planning on two different projects for 2022. One has to do with meditation, and one has to do with making videos. But as Anna Bey taught me not to overshare before success, I'm going to say any more on this topic other than: stay tuned!

What are some of your goals for 2022? Let me know!

xx Coco