There's a lot going on in this episode once again, but considering we're getting so close to end, this isn't surprising.

The episode opens with Hitch helping to rescue citizens who are trapped in their flattened homes. After taking a citizen to where the other injured are, she overhears some of the others arguing amongst themselves about Eren and his actions. Fearing that fights could break out, she orders soldiers to gather riot gear just in case. Hitch then discovers a trail of blood leading from the basement of the building, and discovers that Annie has no longer in captivity. Even though Annie is weakened from her captivity and Hitch can manage to throw her, Annie has already injured herself and threatens to transform into a Titan. Not knowing whether or not Annie can actually carry out her threat, Hitch goes along with what Annie wants her to do.

As Hitch takes Annie out of the area on a horse, we get to see backstory for Annie. Not only does this provide viewers a better understanding of Annie and her personality, it also leads into a later scene when the Eldians who are interred in Marley are trying to tell the Marleyan guards about the upcoming invasion of the Titans. The guards don't believe them, and accuse them all of being in on this story in an attempt to escape. They then start arresting the Eldians. Hoo boy. Those guards are going to regret not listening to the Eldians.

Meanwhile, Shadis is being treated by three soldiers. While the soldiers want him to stand up and fight against the Jaegerists, he declines to do so. Instead, he encourages the three soldiers to join in with the Jaegerists for now, but to not lose themselves in the process. He says that maybe at some point, there will come a time when they can rise up, but that now is not the time.

We get a scene between Armin and Mikasa, and we learn that Armin is planning to go after Conny to try to save Falco. Armin's explanation for why he's doing this makes a lot of sense. But as the conversation between Armin and Mikasa continues, it becomes clear that Armin is stressed and frustrated by everything. When Mikasa asks Armin what they're going to do about Eren, he finally snaps at her. But after this, Armin makes the comment that Commander Erwin wouldn't have snapped at her like that, and that they made the wrong choice when they chose to bring back Armin over Erwin. I just felt so bad for Armin at that point. Armin ultimately tells Mikasa to help Jean and to figure out how she can help on her own. There was one shot in this scene where it looked like Mikasa was feeling dead inside, and I say I can't blame her. But the last thing that happens in this scene is that Mikasa notices that her scarf is gone. I'm sure this has to be important somehow, because of how important this scarf has been to Mikasa over the course of the series.

When Armin and Gabi are about to head out, there's a scene between Kaya and Gabi. When Gabi reveals her true name to Kaya, she thinks it's weird. But instead of getting mad at Kaya, the two of them share a hug and say goodbye. Gabi has really come a long way from when she was first introduced.

Meanwhile, Jean witnesses Floch acting cocky and shooting one of the Volunteers who dared to mouth off to him. Floch has definitely gone on a power trip, and then brags that Eren confided his plan to him 10 months earlier and how he's now in charge of what happens in the district. Poor Jean looks so broken by the time Floch finishes his bragging. Mikasa walks in right at the end of this, and asks Floch about what happened to Hange and Levi. Floch's response is that they're dead.

There's a scene between Conny and Falco as the two are riding north on a horse. Falco has developed amnesia and doesn't remember what happened once he turned into a Titan. Conny claims that he's taking Falco to a hospital in the north for his amnesia, but as is reinforced in Conny's thoughts, he's actually taking Falco to his hometown to feed him to his mother.

The very final scene sees Pieck encountering an unarmed Hange, which proves that Floch was wrong about Hange's fate. The very last shot shows the audience that Levi is still around, too, although he's pretty injured. It'll be interesting to see how Pieck decides to deal with Hange and Levi. But I was happy to see what happened to Hange and Levi, since we hadn't seen either one since the beginning of the first episode of the season.

After seeing Hange and Levi at the end of this episode, it really makes me wonder what other surprises still remain in Attack on Titan Final Season Part 2.

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