My life is as hectic as every and for once I'm willing to admit I'm tired, my body is tired and my mind is tired.

As it is I work about 12 hours a day and approximately 60 hours a week it's so hard, especially when I'm back in college. I'm studying pharmaceutical medical device operations and I won't lie it's the hardest thing I've ever done.

Which is why I'm writing this post I've college 29 hours a week plus 60 hours of work it leaves me exhausted

I'm killing it at work, I'm attending all my classes and have submitted my assignment early.

For me it makes life easier to be organised. That means waking up early on a Monday. I clean the whole house,

put away clothes,

empty the bins

Cook loads of snacky food i.e boiled eggs, spicy mashed potatoes, salads etc.

Tidy my make up bag

Organise dinner for later

Mop floor

Dust the house

I feel that if I have the house organised, everything else is easier. I'm lucky that I can schedule posts, research my podcasts when I'm in bed at night.

Being organised doesn't make me less tired but it does make my life easier.

I do my tan and nails on a Sunday for the week ahead on a Thursday/ Friday I do a facial and a face mask. Every second Saturday night I do a hair mask to keep my hair silky.

I try to get my clothes ready the night before but it isn't always easy but I do my best

Tuesday nights I go to bed early I try to catch up on lost sleep and it's my favourite night.

I have a busy life but I love it and wouldn't change it for the world. I love my shop and have so much fun working in it. I enjoy working in my other job the customers are great and I spend most of my time laughing.

My home life is so peaceful, we have friends living with us and everyday is like an episode of the TV show Friends.

Myself and Asif have a date night once a week, I have a lunch date with my mom once a week, I see the rest of my family daily.

I see my friends a few times week And I'm so happy. I may be tired but I laugh daily for me the happiness counteracts the tiredness.

Ask yourself when was the last time you laughed? I mean really laughed.

When was the last time you took the time to treat yourself to a face mask?

No matter how busy you are, you always need to take time for yourself, laugh out loud and dance like no one is watching

What do you do to stay organised?