First Lady Casey Black DeSantis was a familiar face on Jacksonville airwaves, with stints on two mainstream newscasts in the years before her husband ran for Governor.

On Tuesday, the former member of the media became a media critic, in a two-fisted attack against "legacy outlets" and the "perpetual lying and distortion" they purportedly promulgate.

"It never ceases to amaze me just how corrupt our corporate media has become. The days of fact-finding and truth-telling are long gone. Instead, the media engages in blatant lies and deception to advance their partisan agenda," the email from the Governor's re-election campaign read.

"Governor DeSantis can hardly go a day without needing to correct the record on the false reporting from legacy outlets. They care more about engaging in liberal activism aimed at stopping our Governor than they do about the wellbeing of Floridians," the missive continued.

Back when Mrs. DeSantis first was introduced to Florida viewers on WJXT's Morning Show in 2023, there was little indication that she would end up as First Lady of the state. Fresh out of college, she was auditioning to be traffic reporter, and her pet peeves were "rubbernecking" and "cellphones."

She landed the gig, obviously, and turned that into a foothold. She worked in various capacities as an associate producer, a reporter, and an anchor.

Casey would have yet another television gig that overlapped with the political career of her husband, hosting First Coast Living and the Chat last decade on First Coast News.

As the then-Congressman's star rose, Casey was mainly doing soft segments, still in the Jacksonville market. However, she sometimes managed a slight subversion, including sneaking a Club for Growth coffee mug onto the set.

However, in either of her Jacksonville media roles, Mrs. DeSantis offered few, if any, critiques of "legacy outlets" and their purported mendacities.