Florida schools are receiving a $289 million boost in federal funding to benefit students with academic programs, after-school programs and more.

Speaking at Hialeah Educational Academy on Wednesday, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the pot is now open for schools.

"I am proud to announce an additional $289 million for programs that will improve student achievement and close learning gaps," DeSantis said. "This announcement builds on our accomplishments over the past three years to make Florida a national leader on education, with our focus on civics, early literacy and STEM programs. I look forward to more announcements in the coming weeks as we continue investing in education for Florida students."

The largest share of the $289 million is $105 million for after-school and summer learning camps that help struggling students catch up. Also included is $50 million to support reading intervention and professional development for reading coaches.

Additionally, the funding includes $47 million for primary materials aligned to Florida's new standards for English language arts, math, civics, and Holocaust education. Another $44 million will go to support STEM and hands-on learning programs.

Two more of the highlights from the Governor and Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran are $22.5 million for resources to help parents be more involved in their children's education and $5 million to establish Regional Mental Health Resiliency Teams.

"Gov. DeSantis continues to make the right call when it comes to working to provide a world-class education to our students," Corcoran said. "Florida continues to emphasize and command focus on the key pillars of learning, especially for early grades and students represented in achievement gaps, with wraparound supports for literacy, mathematics and the civic literacy skills necessary to elevate our students into lifelong learners and great citizens."

The stop came amid three consecutive appearances DeSantis and Corcoran made since Session ended Monday while highlighting education initiatives. On Tuesday and Thursday, the pair made appearances to highlight that Florida will be eliminating the Florida Standards Assessment after this school year.

The three education-focused appearances also marked somewhat of a farewell tour for the Education Commissioner, who will be leaving the administration before the end of the school year.