Broward County Commissioner Jared Moskowitz announced six new endorsements from current and former elected officials Sunday in his bid to succeed U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch in Florida's 22nd Congressional District.

With the announcement, Moskowitz's endorsement total is up to 71 elected officials and community leaders.

The latest string of endorsements includes support from state Sens. Tina Polsky and Bobby Powell, state Rep. Joe Geller, Broward County Commissioner Mark Bogen, Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber and former state Sen. Eleanor Sobel.

The support of Polsky and Bogen is particularly notable because both elected officials are popular with their large constituencies within CD 22. Polsky dominated the Democratic Primary for her seat in 2020 with almost 70% support. Bogen has served on the Commission since 2015. 

Bogen said Moskowitz stepped up during the COVID-19 pandemic, serving Broward County during his time on the Commission.

"Time and time again, Jared Moskowitz was here for us when Broward County needed him most," Bogen said. "During the pandemic Jared was our point man for testing and vaccines for seniors and at-risk populations. As a Commission colleague, Jared has continued to act with his values of service and I'm proud to endorse his congressional campaign."

Polsky said she knows Moskowitz would continue Deutch's legacy and fight back against Republican attacks at the federal level.

"We just finished a difficult Session in Tallahassee, and Republicans are continuing to attack women's rights and essential freedoms for all Floridians," Polsky said. "Jared is someone that I trust to fight for us in Washington and implement protections at the federal level to stop these hyper-partisan games."

The endorsements follow recent support from 13 Broward and Palm Beach County officials, as well as family members of those murdered in the 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.