On (some) Tuesdays I write about education and then post to the Two Writing Teacher blog. and then comment on at least three other blog posts Every day in March I will blog and post for the Two Writing Teacher challenge.

Today is my son's 19th birthday. I can hardly believe that number. I am thankful I am spending the whole day with him at his request. We have spent more time together in 2022 and he has made the comment several times that he is more like me than he imagined. I have surprised him in many ways and he has been more verbal about that fact. He is a great kid and I am honored to be his mom.


As a writer, I am part of several writing communities. One I am an active participant in is Sarah Selecky's Centered community. One of the benefits of this space is the monthly Co-writing sessions she hosts. Sarah has also picked themes to go with each month. The theme for March is Commitment.

What have you committed to in March?

For my entire life I have been goal oriented. I have made personal goals and achieved them since I was young. At the end of last month I committed to Nicole Rivera's writing group for 2 months. I have also committed to participating in the March blog challenge. I committed to getting my booster shot yesterday as well. Although the word booster makes me think of babies! I also committed to launching my Tarot for Writing class which begins this Sunday.

My daily writing practice is established, so I do not consider that a commitment, just part of what I do. I also glean joy from the practice. I do not have to think about writing, or scheduling time to do it. It is as much a part of me as breathing. To me commitments are something new I am trying and reminders are needed.

Another thing Sarah said on the call was that March is a verb. I had never considered that notion before. We are marching towards spring at the end of the month even though weather wise it doesn't feel like it here in Wisconsin. I am not sure I am ready for this new season honestly. If I think of new plants bursting their first shoots out of the soil, they are tender and fragile. That is how I feel right now.

Life moves forward and I have the TO DO lists to prove it!

I invite you to answer the question: What are you marching towards this month?

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